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Once upon a time in America
Written by prime-tass.ru   
Вторник, 11 Сентябрь 2007
Once upon a time in America. World mourns victims of September 11th attacks
Новый ВавилонAt another anniversary of the September 11th, 2001, bombings (sic), the entire progressive world is focused on a debate on just how effective are modern methods of combating international terrorism, and what must be done to ensure that the events in America of 6 years ago do not recur. There is no doubt that the fight against extremism has left its mark in the politics of the leading nations of the world — some under the banner of struggle against Islamic radicals began massive military companies in the Middle East, while others «cleansed» legislation allegedly to protect citizens from improper political choices. All the measures taken, however, seem to be in vain.
Immediately after the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, witnesses to the events declared in one voice that the attacks would be repeated in the future. Unfortunately, they were right.

There will be ceremonies held to mark the 6th anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks on America. A memorial ceremony for the victims will be held in a park near Grand Zerro (ed: Ground Zero) — the place where the skyscrapers — the Twin Towers — once stood. In addition, Defense Secretary Robert Gates met at the Pentagon with relatives whose loved ones were killed there in the bombing (sic). Last Saturday a memorial museum inside the Pentagon, located in the same corridor where the terrorists crashed a hijacked airliner, was open to all comers. 184 were killed as a result of the blast (sic) at the U.S. military facility six years previously.

More than 3 thousand people from 75 counties around the world lost their lives because of the September 11th tragedy. All their names will be read during the ceremony, which will begin at 8:46 am, local time; the moment the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. Recall that the second skyscraper, the South Tower, was attacked at 9:03 am, less than 17 minutes after the first explosion (sic). It is known that the second skyscraper collapsed first. Just a few minutes before this, 8 thousand people had been evacuated from the building. It ended at 10:28 am, when the North Tower collapsed into ruins. Another airliner — a fourth — crashed in Pennsylvania, though it was later alleged that the purpose of this aircraft was to attack the American White House.

Over the years, the events of September 11th, 2001, have received maximum coverage in books and film. In memory of the Pentagon victims of the September 11th attacks, the Pentagon in conjunction with historical organizations published the book of «Pentagon 9/11», which describes in detail everything that happened 6 years ago. In addition, in 2003, a book by French author Frederic Begbeder was published, «Windows on the World», in which the author wrote the whole truth about the events, providing a narration full of unflattering comments about the U.S. leadership, which, according to F. Begbeder, suffered from chauvinism and an untenable idea about its his own infallibility. The French writer's book became a bestseller and was published in many countries, including in Russia in 2004. But, in America, F. Begbeder was declared a «persona non grata.» Moreover, his criticism of the current U.S. administration's policies had the opposite effect: in 2003 the U.S. launched a war in Iraq under the slogan of combating terrorism and Saddam Hussein, who allegedly raves about his planned nuclear strike against all «infidels.»

Today America is divided into supporters and opponents of the military operations in Iraq. About 49 percent of U.S. citizens believe that the current policy the Bush administration in this country, which calls for increased forces in that country, will not yield results. It is unclear what motivated a statement the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, that by the summer of 2008 the number of American troops (in Iraq) could be reduced to 130 thousand soldiers. Perhaps, according to the principles of American democracy, the government allegedly took into account public opinion, which miraculously coincided with the political objectives of the major «players» during of the approaching presidential elections in the autumn of 2008.

By the way, during the four and a half years of their military presence in Iraq, the Americans suffered casualties comparable to the number of victims of the September 11th tragedy — 3,769 have been killed.

The war in Iraq is just one of a few illustrations that show the U.S. seems not to have learned the appropriate lessons from this tragedy. The impression one gets is that the country's leadership, led by hawks at the Pentagon, solves its internal problems without regard for its people or the rest of the world.

In the 6 years since the September 11 bombings, the world has changed dramatically. However, any hope that ideological and political opponents seated at the head of the civilized nations of the world will unite in the fight against international terrorism is in vain. The world is once again split between the progressive West and the marginal East, while Russia painfully seeks its own path of further development.

One would think that the intelligence agencies of many countries would have agreed to enhance exchange of information, but from the soap opera known as «the Litvinenko case», we can conclude that Britain's unclear ambitions have forced it to threaten Russia with a downsizing information exchange programs in the fight against terrorism. Returning directly to the tragic events of September 11th, however, it should be noted on this anniversary that the problems of domestic politics have come to the fore.

Today in the U.S. one can quite clearly hear questions addressed directly at the current U.S. administration in general, and George Bush in particular. The polling service Zogby International showed that the tragedy of 2001 is still alive in the memory of the vast majority of U.S. citizens, and 81 percent of Americans said the event had a most profound impact on their lives. About 61 percent of U.S. residents recall the events at least once a week, and 16 percent of the U.S. thinks about them every day. A vast majority of Americans — 91 percent — believe the United States will again be subjected to terrorist attacks on its territory in the future, while 47 percent expect an attack within the next 5 years.

In addition, the poll showed that the American public has many questions about the intelligence services of the country, which were called on to investigate and disclose the whole truth about the events of September 11th. In particular, 67.2 percent of the respondents believe that the commission studying the circumstances of the 2001 terror attacks should have investigated the still unexplained collapse of a third New York skyscraper, the 47-storey Tower Seven of the World Trade Center.

Recall that this building housed the New York offices of the CIA, Secret Service, IRS, Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as the operations center and bunker of the New York Stock emergency center. As we know, this 47-story skyscraper was not subjected to a strike by a terrorist-hijacked airplane, but, nevertheless, it completely collapsed vertically downward. It happened eight hours after terrorists hit the neighboring Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

According to some experts, in particular 130 U.S. engineers and architects, the WTC towers were blown up by America itself, which implies the assumption that the September 11th attacks were a domestic plot. Today they will announce their petition of the U. S. Congress. It is not excluded that the verdict of these experts about the undermining of the towers from the inside might be the «bomb» in the upcoming U.S. presidential election campaign.

Once again I have to admit that the fight against terrorism, designed with the ideal of protecting the lives of common citizens, has become a powerful weapon of a mass political destruction. Recall the string of bombings in Russia that began with the blasts (sic) in Volgodonsk in 1999, and then subsequent attacks on the apartment buildings in Moscow on the Kashirsk Highway and on Guryanov Street. These increased the «heat» of the 1999–2000 political campaign, and contributed to the rise to power of «new thinking» politicians, who could be called the antipodes of their predecessors in the Kremlin, who had been there since the early 1990s.

In Russia today there will also be ceremonies to commemorate the events of September 11th. Russians know firsthand about terrorist acts, and they relate to the problem of international terrorism very seriously. According to a survey by Bashkirov and Associates, about 70 percent of (Russian) respondents said they remain wary of terrorist attacks, while only about 20 percent said the opposite. 10.7 percent of Russians see it most likely that terrorism will occur in crowded streets and squares. Among the most dangerous places named were railways (8.5%), subways (7.4%), airports and aircraft (5.9%). At the same time, about a third of respondents believe that all these places are equally dangerous. In addition, residents of large cities experience a greater level of anxiety than those of rural areas.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, regardless of whether those who truly ordered the September 11th attacks will become known to the public, the main lesson of this tragedy must be learned as soon as possible. One would prefer to see politicians and the intelligence agencies develop «violent» activity not only on the eve of important dates in the life of the country and international events, but to also develop programs to combat terrorism and for everyday and public use, i.e., to ensure the safety of ordinary citizens who are the targets of the various fringe groups and «kamikazes.»

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  Comments (1)
1. Written by mikolash, on 24-09-2007 12:54
Америка скорбит по своим, скорбит Россия по своим, а политикам по барабану… Когда речь идет о безумном уровне власти, сумашедших деньгах недалекие политиканы из правящих элит не остановятся ни перед чем… В семидисятые годы рассматривался сценарий получения абсолютной власти в неспокойное время… Только тогда целью был Лос-Анжелес — как в полной мере отвечающий социальным срезом составу американского общества…

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