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Kurbatova, Christina
Милые, хорошие наши детки!!! Так просто не должно быть, это больно, это нечестно, это ужасно.
30/06/24 01:30 more...
author Ольга

Grishin, Alexey
Памяти Алексея Дмитриевича Гришина
Светлая память прекрасному человеку! Мы работали в ГМПС, тогда он был молодым начальником отдела металлов, подающим боль...
14/11/23 18:27 more...
author Бондарева Юлия

Panteleev, Denis
Вот уже и 21 год , а будто как вчера !!!!
26/10/23 12:11 more...
author Ирина

Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
24/10/23 17:44 more...
author Аноним

Bochkov, Alexei
Терракт в Палестине, Сектор Газа
Сегодня в гражданскую больницу Палестины прилетела ракета, погибли до 1000 человек, весь мир взбудоражен. И я оказался н...
18/10/23 02:13 more...
author Андрей

Investigator: Chechens were not preparing to die at Dubrovka
Written by Андрей Полунин   
Понедельник, 14 Февраль 2011

Image‘Svobodnaya Pressa’ contacted a law enforcement officer who was part of the group that investigated the events in the theatrical center on Dubrovka immediately after the assault.

SOURCE: The Chechens were not preparing to die at Dubrovka. To a large extent their threat to blow up the hostages was a bluff. This is evidenced by one final fact: they had a chance to blow up the hostages, and yet they did not. The gas was noticed from the moment when it was released, and it took five minutes before it began to take effect, and even then it was mostly on the hostages. A white smoke, the gas, was visible. The terrorists, as I remember it, had gasmasks with them, so had they really wanted to blow everything up, and were ready to die, then they would not have any problem doing it. But they did not want that.

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Doku Umarov threatens Russia with a ‘Year of Tears’
Written by Lenta.ru   
Суббота, 05 Февраль 2011

ImageDoku Umarov, leader of the North Caucasus underground, has threatened Russia with new attacks. In a video posted on one of the extremists’ websites, Umarov vowed “a year of blood and tears.” According to the militant, he plans to commit acts of terrorism once a week or once a month, leaving their regularity “at the discretion of Allah.”

Umarov said that his militants in Russia were supposedly carrying out a certain mission, and that he had sent a “warrior” by the name of Sayfullah to do the job.

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From the radio program ‘Hour of the press’
Written by Елена Рыковцева   
Четверг, 03 Февраль 2011
Ю. Пилипенко
Chief editor of the weekly publication ‘Interlocutor’ talks about government secrecy
Elena Rykovtseva: Do you have enough information about the terrorist attack at Domodedovo? What could be the consequences for the ruling tandem (Medvedev & Putin – ed) with regards to this new information about the property they used? Why has the Russian public discovered such a pathologic hatred of Boris Yeltsin? These are the range of issues I have identified for discussion with Yuri Pilipenko, chief editor of ‘Interlocutor’. We will start off with the investigation of the terrorist attack at Domodedovo. It seems to me that this time there is much less information than after previous terrorist attacks. As the editor of a very popular publication, how does it seem to you?
Yuri Pilipenko: An awful lot of articles came out about the blast at Domodedovo, but journalists relied mostly on their intuition. Let us remember all the theories. First, there was a Russian Wahhabi by the name of Razdobudko. Secondly, there was the ‘Nogai battalion’. Thirdly, there they looked at these traces of a “Zionist footprint”.

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The President will listen to his own council
Written by Арслан Саидов   
Вторник, 01 Февраль 2011
ImageThe terrorist attack at Domodedovo airport will be the main theme of a meeting of the Presidential Council on the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, held in Yekaterinburg on February 1st. To investigate the terrorist attack, the Council appointed an ad hoc group under Kirill Kabanov, the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee. In an interview with ‘Radio Liberty’, Mr. Kabanov talked about what he intended to say to President Dmitry Medvedev:
KIRILL KABANOV: In my opinion, the first step is to conduct a personnel assessment, and not just go in and chop off heads at random. We must understand how well public functions to ensure security and combat terrorism are being performed, and only after this assessment should any personnel decisions be made.

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Investigation of the Politkovskaya murder extended to May
Written by Грани.ру   
Вторник, 01 Февраль 2011

Анна Политковская, июль 2006 г. Фото Д.Борко/Грани.Ру

The investigation into the murder of Novaya Gazeta reporter Anna Politkovskaya has been extended until May 7th, 2011, according to the Novosti news agency. Anna Stavitskaya, attorney for relatives of the murdered journalist, reported this.
In October of 2010, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Attorney General’s Office filed new charges against Sergei Hajikurbanov related to the case. Hajikurbanov is a former major of the Moscow anti-organized crime unit. Virtually identical charges were filed against him during the first investigation. That inquiry ruled out abuse of power by FSB Lt. Col. Pavel Ryaguzov, as well as Ryaguzov’s extortion of businessman Edward Ponikarov.

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