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Kurbatova, Christina |
Äåòêè Ìèëûå, õîðîøèå íàøè äåòêè!!! Òàê ïðîñòî íå äîëæíî áûòü, ýòî áîëüíî, ýòî íå÷åñòíî, ýòî óæàñíî. |
30/06/24 01:30 more... |
author Îëüãà |
Grishin, Alexey |
Ïàìÿòè Àëåêñåÿ Äìèòðèåâè÷à Ãðèøèíà Ñâåòëàÿ ïàìÿòü ïðåêðàñíîìó ÷åëîâåêó! Ìû ðàáîòàëè â ÃÌÏÑ, òîãäà îí áûë ìîëîäûì íà÷àëüíèêîì îòäåëà ìåòàëëîâ, ïîäàþùèì áîëü... |
14/11/23 18:27 more... |
author Áîíäàðåâà Þëèÿ |
Panteleev, Denis |
Âîò óæå è 21 ãîä , à áóäòî êàê â÷åðà !!!! |
26/10/23 12:11 more... |
author Èðèíà |
Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina |
Ïîìíèì. |
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author Àíîíèì |
Bochkov, Alexei |
Òåððàêò â Ïàëåñòèíå, Ñåêòîð Ãàçà Ñåãîäíÿ â ãðàæäàíñêóþ áîëüíèöó Ïàëåñòèíû ïðèëåòåëà ðàêåòà, ïîãèáëè äî 1000 ÷åëîâåê, âåñü ìèð âçáóäîðàæåí. È ÿ îêàçàëñÿ í... |
18/10/23 02:13 more... |
author Àíäðåé |
Hostages of a principle |
Written by Åëåíà Ìèëàøèíà | ||||||||
×åòâåðã, 19 Àïðåëü 2007 | ||||||||
By Elena Milashina in «Novaya gazeta» Was the assault on
In the beginning of April, the Strasbourg court began working on a complaint by 57 victims of the
Attorney for the
Ìîñêîâñêàÿ 'Öåíòðàëüíàÿ' êîëëåãèÿ àäâîêàòîâ Âîëîêîëàìñêîå øîññå, ä. 15/22 ã. Ìîñêâà 125080 ÐÎÑÑÈß/RUSSIE FIRST SECTION
Application no. 27311/03 Chernetsova and Others v. Russia
Dear Sir,
I write to inform you that following a preliminary examination of the admissibility of the above application on 2 April 2007, the President of the Chamber to which the case has been allocated decided, under Rule 54 § 2 (b) of the Rules of Court, that notice of the application should be given to the Government of Russia and that the Government should be invited to submit written observations on the admissibility and merits of the case.
The Government have been requested to deal with the questions set out in the annex to this letter.
The Government have been requested to submit their observations by 27 June 2007. These will be sent to you in order that you may submit written observations in reply on behalf of the applicants. Under Rule 34 § 4 (a), the Government have been authorised to submit their observations in Russian if they so prefer, but they must provide the Court with a translation into English or French no later than four weeks after the above
I would inform you that at this stage of the proceedings, according to Rule 34 § 3, all communications of applicants or their representatives shall as a rule be made in one of the Court's official languages, English or French.
I enclose for your information a statement of facts prepared by the Registry.
Yours faithfully, Søren Nielsen, Section Registrar
03 April 2007
FIRST SECTION Application no. 27311/03 by Zoya Pavlovna CHERNETSOVA and Others against Russia lodged on 18 August 2003
Questions to the parties
1. The applicants are invited to explain what was their relation to the hostages who died as a result of the tragic events in the «Dubrovka» theatre. Those applicants who were among the hostages are invited to give details of physical and mental effects that the events of
2. Did the applicants exhaust effective domestic remedies in respect of their complaints under Articles 2, 3, and 6 of the Convention?
3. Has the right to life of the applicants' relatives, ensured by Article 2 of the Convention, been violated in the present case (see in this respect Ergi v. Turkey, judgment of 28 July 1998, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1998-IV, § 81; see also Isayeva v. Russia, no. 57950/00, §§ 179 et seq., 24 February 2005, and Andronicou and Constantinou v. Cyprus, judgment of 9 October 1997, Reports 1997-VI, § 181)? Has the right to life of those applicants who were among the hostages been violated in the present case? In particular, did the authorities try to bring an end to the crisis through persuasion and dialogue? Was the recourse to lethal force absolutely necessary? Did the authorities take sufficient precautions while planning, controlling and implementing the rescue operation in order to protect, to the maximum extent possible, the lives of the hostages?
4. Have the applicants been subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment, in breach of Article 3 of the Convention? In particular, have the applicants, who were among the hostages, been subjected to ill-treatment as a result of the allegedly inadequate rescue operation and the alleged lack of proper medical assistance to them? Have the applicants whose relatives died as a result of the events of
5. Having regard to the «procedural» obligations of the State under Articles 2, 3 and 13, namely the obligations to carry out an investigation capable of leading to the identification and punishment of those responsible for the use of lethal force or of inhuman and degrading treatment and to provide for the payment of compensation where appropriate (see, inter alia, Mehmet Emin Yuksel v. Turkey, no. 40154/98, § 36, 20 July 2004), were the domestic proceedings in conformity with these Convention provisions? The Government are invited to produce materials of the official criminal investigation, in particular, criminal case no. 229133 and the criminal case against Mr Talkhigov, as well as other investigations (if any).
6. Were the civil proceedings concerning compensation of damage caused by the terrorist attack and the rescue operation compatible with the requirements of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention? In particular: (a) Were the courts «independent and impartial», in view of the The Government are invited to indicate the amount of the financial support (monetary and other) provided by the Moscow city authorities (including circuits, prefectura) to the (b) Did the applicants have access to court in respect of their complaint about the conduct of the rescue operation? © Was the principle of equality of arms respected as regards the courts' refusal to obtain evidence from the defendant and the third parties and admit certain pieces of evidence produced by the applicants? (d) Did the applicants have sufficient time to prepare for countering the arguments of the defendant? 03 Àðril 2007 FIRST SECTION Application no. 27311/03 by Zoya Pavlovna CHERNETSOVA and Others against Russia lodged on 18 August 2003
Statement of Facts
The applicants listed in the attached table lost their relatives as a result of the
A. The circumstances of the case
The facts of the case, as submitted by the applicants, may be summarised as follows.
1. The hostage taking and the rescue operation
In the evening of 23 October The authorities started negotiations and in the following two days persuaded the terrorists to liberate several hostages. However, the terrorists refused to surrender and did not accept food or drinking water for the hostages. The terrorists continued to insist on their demands. In the early morning of 26 October 2002 the Russian security forces dispersed an unknown gas in the main concert hall of the theatre building through the ventilation system. When the terrorists controlling the detonation device and suicide bombers in the hall fell asleep under the influence of that gas, the special squad stormed the building. Suicide bombers were shot while asleep; others tried to resist but were killed in the skirmish. The security forces also arrested Mr Talkhigov who was not in the building with the terrorists but was suspected of supplying information to them from the outside. Most of the hostages were also affected by the effects of the gas; more than a hundred persons (the exact figure is a subject of controversy) died on the spot or in the hospitals in the following days. According to the applicants, the hostages were evacuated in disarray: In the following months the Moscow City Government paid the victims of the terrorist attack «compassionate benefits»: the survivors received 50,000 Russian roubles (RUR) and the relatives of the deceased hostages received RUR
2. Civil proceedings
Soon after the events of In November 2002 the first group of applicants brought civil proceedings against the Government of Moscow to the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow. They maintained that the rescue operation had been inexpedient, that the actions of the authorities had been inept and that the hostages had not been properly evacuated from the building and had not received necessary medical aid on the spot and in the hospitals. As a result, the applicants were injured or lost relatives. The applicants also claimed that the law of 1998 imposed on the city authorities an obligation to compensate damage caused by a terrorist attack. At the trial the applicants were represented by Mr and Ms Trunov, and MrMatveyev, advocates at the Moscow Bar Association. The court was composed of a single judge, Ms Gorbacheva. In the course of the preliminary hearings the applicants challenged the judge on the ground that the courts in Moscow were funded from the budget of the city government, the defendant in their civil case. This practice, they claimed, contradicted the federal law and created the dependence of the courts The applicants also requested the judge to summon a number of witnesses, namely the politicians who participated in the negotiations with the terrorists, and the State officials who planned and directed the rescue operation. They also requested the judge to obtain certain documentary evidence from the authorities and commission a forensic report in order to elucidate what was the cause of the death of the deceased hostages. The applicants also requested the court to admit certain evidence, in particular, the report on the independent investigation of the events by a group of MPs. Finally, the applicants sought the recording of the hearing on audio and Judge Gorbacheva examined those motions and dismissed almost all of them. Thus, she refused to withdraw from the case; she also refused to call witnesses suggested by the applicants and obtain evidence sought by them. Finally, she prohibited any video and audio recording in the course of the trial. The hearings on the merits were held on 22 and 23 January 2003. The defendants made oral pleadings. The applicants, as plaintiffs, requested the adjournment of the case in order to prepare their arguments in reply to those of the defendants, but the court granted an adjournment of only a few hours. The next day the applicants repeated the request for adjournment, but it was refused. On 23 January 2003 the Tverskoy District Court dismissed the applicants' claims in full. On 28 April 2003 the Moscow City Court upheld that judgment. The courts found that, as a general rule, the damage should be compensated by the tortfeaser (Article 151 of the Civil Code). Under Article 1064 of the Civil Code civil liability for tort may be imposed on a third person (not the tortfeaser) if the law directly stipulated so. However, the court found that the law of 1998 did not provide specifically for compensation of non-pecuniary damage by the State for an act of terrorism without the fault of the State authorities. The courts also refused to award damages for allegedly inadequate planning and conduct of the rescue operation. It found that the Moscow authorities defined a list of measures to be implemented in order to prevent terrorist attacks and help their victims, issued necessary regulations to that end and created entities dealing with such situations. The court referred to the The court finally noted that the criminal investigation into the events of As a result, all of the applicants' complaints were dismissed. The court of appeal confirmed the findings of the district court as to the merits of the case and did not establish any breach of the procedure by the lower court, without, however, giving any detailed analysis of the procedural complaints of the plaintiffs. In the following months the Tverskoy District Court rendered a number of similar judgments in respect of other applicants. Those judgments were upheld by the Moscow City Court on appeal. As appears from the motion, lodged by the applicants' lawyer on 10 December 2003, the applicants challenged the Moscow City Court, claiming that it was also partial because of the funding it had received from the defendant. However, the Moscow City Court dismissed that argument. The applicants who were foreign nationals brought a civil action to the Basmanny District Court against the federal government claiming damages on the same grounds. On 6 August 2003 the court dismissed their claims. The court's reasoning was broadly similar to the reasoning given by the Tverskoy District Court in its judgment of 23 January 2003. On 10 October 2003 that decision was upheld by the Moscow City Court.
3. Criminal investigation (case no. 229133 and the proceedings against Mr Talkhigov)
On 23 October 2003 the Moscow City Prosecutor's office opened a criminal investigation into the events (case no. 229133). The prosecution qualified the facts as «Terrorist attack» and «Hostage taking». The applicants who were either among the hostages or lost their relatives as a result of the rescue operation entered the proceedings in the capacity of victims (postradavshiye). As regards the conduct of the rescue operation, the investigation established that the security forces had acted lawfully and had not been liable for the loss of lives of the hostages as a result of that operation. As a result, the prosecution refused to initiate a criminal investigation into the activities of the State authorities during the crisis. The proceedings in respect of Mr Talkhigov were severed from case no. 229133 and transmitted to the trial court. The applicants claimed that they had learned of it from the press. On 2 June 2003 they requested the Moscow City Court to allow their participation in the proceedings in the capacity of victims. However, this was refused. On 20 June 2003 Mr Talkhigov was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for the complicity in the terrorist attack. The applicants have provided no information as to the results of the investigation in case no. 229133.
B. Relevant domestic law and practice
Under Article 3 of the Law «On the Judicial System» of 1996, the courts are funded from the federal budget. The same provision contains in Article 1 of the Law «On courts' finances» of 1999. As follows from Decree no. 912-PM of 23 August 1999, as amended on 23 November In 2001 (Decree no. 96-ÐÏ of 21 September 2001) the Moscow City Court received from the Moscow Government RUR 1,600,000 for re-furbishing its building. Furthermore, the city authorities paid for enlarging the premises of the Moscow City Court in 2001 (Decree no. 287 ÏÏ of 27 March 2001). As appears from the Law on the city finances for 2002 (no. 60), in 2002 the city authorities allocated RUR 300,000,000 to support the functioning of the courts.
1. Under Article 2 of the Convention the applicants complained that they had lost their relatives as a result of the rescue operation conducted by the Russian security services on 26 October 2. Under Article 2 of the Convention, combined with Article 13 of the Convention, the applicants complained that the investigation into the events of 26 October 2002 had been ineffective. Thus, neither they nor their lawyers had access to the materials of the criminal investigation into these events (case file no. 229133). The investigation did not aim at investigating the activities of the authorities during the crisis. Furthermore, they had not been allowed to participate in the proceedings against MrTalkhigov (the accomplice of the terrorists). 3. Under Article 3 the applicants — those who had been among the hostages and those who had lost their relatives — complained that the hostages had been subjected to ill-treatment while under control of the terrorists. Thus, the hostages were left without food, water, and medicines for three days; they were unable to use toilets. Furthermore, the evacuation of the hostages from the building and the medical assistance to them was also incompatible with the requirements of Article 3. 4. Under Article 6 § 1 the applicants complained that the courts had failed to review the actions of State officials involved in planning and implementing the rescue operation. Thus, the courts failed to establish the nature of the gas employed by the security forces, the expediency of its use, cause of death of the hostages etc. 5. Under Article 6 § 1 the applicants complained about the fairness of the proceedings before the Tverskoy District Court. Thus, most of the evidence in their case was in the hands of various State authorities, which did not agree to disclose them. The applicants tried to obtain that evidence through the domestic courts, but their motions to that end were rejected. Moreover, the courts refused to admit certain pieces of evidence to the case file (such as video record made by the terrorists inside the building) or examine witnesses proposed by the applicants. 6. Under Article 6 § 1 the applicants complained that the courts which had examined their cases had not been «independent and impartial». They referred to the practice of funding the district courts in Moscow from the budget of the city government, the defendant in their civil case. In their view, this practice created the dependence of the courts 7. Under Article 6 § 1 the applicants complained that the findings of the domestic courts were erroneous, based on the reversal of the burden of proof, irrational assessment of evidence and arbitrary interpretation of the legislation in force, namely Article 17 of the law of 1998. Thus, that provision provided for compensation of «damage» which included both pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. However, the courts erroneously interpret this term as excluding non-pecuniary damage. 8. Under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention the applicants complained that at the trial they had been in a disadvantageous position [1] It appears that the domestic court was quoting the following phrase from the McCann judgment: «…The use offeree by agents of the State … may be justified … where it is based on an honest belief which is perceived, for good reasons, to be valid at the time but which subsequently turns out to be mistaken.»
The Strasbourg court must carefully analyze what provoked the counter-terrorist operation. Was it the desire to save the hostages, or to destroy the terrorists, come what may? And here it will be a precedent; a very important decision for victims of other acts of terror, first of all those from Beslan. Thanks to the complaint by the Personally, I have no idea how our authorities will reply regarding their taking the necessary measures to ‘minimize losses’, or about the quality of the investigation. There is no quality whatsoever — the investigation is a mere formality, and for several years has been conducted by one (!) single investigator. Those members of the operational headquarters who planned and led the assault have never been officially determined, even though the headquarters chiefs were awarded Hero of Russia stars. This was made public thanks to Yuri Shchekochikhin, a member of the Russian parliament. Without a sufficient examination of the actions of the ‘siloviki’ (military, police, and secret services) and rescuers, a resolution was made to not open a criminal case against them for the deaths of the hostages. The ingredients of the gas used during the assault are still classified, and antidotes to be used against it were not known back then, or even today. The investigation did not even try to determine exactly how the hostages were saved from the effects of this gas, or just how effective their treatment was. What was determined? A huge number of facts came to light on the chaos of the rescue operation, and how more than half the hostages who perished received no medical assistance whatsoever (this is from the criminal case materials). In the case of the complaint by the One need not expect the defendant to act conscientiously, and answer Strasbourg fully and truthfully. In many legal cases our government has hidden facts from the European Court, but each time Strasburg took this into account in making decisions on the side of Russian citizens and against the Russian government. It is one matter when Russian citizens demand an answer, but something else entirely when the demand comes from the European Court. It means that the government will finally be unable to sidestep the issue. One needs to note that the Strasbourg questions essentially coincide with the demands of the former hostages and relatives of those hostages who died. For five years they have been trying to receive a normal investigation of the criminal case relating to Was the court independent and objective, considering that the courts receive financial support from the Moscow city government? * Did the government take into account all circumstances in identifying and punishing those responsible for employing force? Were the hostages subject to humiliation and inhumane treatment in connection with the absence of medical assistance? Did the authorities adopt the necessary measures during the planning of the operation to ensure that the rescue operation would be maximally effective and protect the lives of the hostages as much as possible? Was the decision to end the crisis situation through force (by using gas – E.M.) absolutely unavoidable? Did the authorities do everything possible to solve the given crisis (the capture of hostages in the theatrical center at Dubrovka – E.M.) by means of negotiations? The jurists of the European Court formulated questions from facts found in the complaint, which, we will say straight out, are very uncomfortable for our government. Here are a few of them: Views: 6694 |
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