home arrow 2007 arrow The Russian government must answer questions about the ‘Nord-Ost’ case at the European Court

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The Russian government must answer questions about the ‘Nord-Ost’ case at the European Court
Written by радиостанция "Эхо Москвы"   
Четверг, 19 Апрель 2007

From http://echo.msk.ru/news/370577.html

Эхо Москвы The Russian government must answer questions about the ‘Nord-Ost’ case at the European Court in Strasbourg

Proofs or objections must be presented to complaints of violations of “the right to life”, “the right to a fair legal hearing”, and “effective means of defense”.

Did the Russian authorities do everything possible to solve the given crisis (the capture of hostages in the Dubrovka theatrical center) by means of negotiations? Was the decision to end the crisis by using force, including the use of gas, absolutely unavoidable? Did the authorities take the necessary steps in planning the operation to ensure it would be maximally effective and protect the lives of the hostages as much as possible? According to Novaya Gazeta, the Russian government received documents with these uncomfortable questions. The publication notes that the European Court’s questions coincide with demands by the former hostages and the relatives of those who died at Dubrovka, who for several years have unsuccessfully been trying to receive an effective and fair investigation of this case. Among these demands, for example, is the composition of the gas used at Dubrovka, which still remains classified, and those members of the operational headquarters who planned and directed the assault and still remain unidentified.

The ‘Nord-Ost’ victims’ complaint could become the cause of yet another notorious legal hearing. Documents were sent to the European court confirming that the courts in the Russian capital were financed from out of the Moscow city budget, which is against the law. The Moscow city government was a defendant in a majority of the civil suits brought by victims of the act of terror at Dubrovka.

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