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'Nord-Ost' organization demands a new criminal case
Written by "Новости России"   
Четверг, 19 Апрель 2007

From http://www.newsru.com/russia/19apr2007/nordost.html

Норд-ОстVictims of the act of terror at Dubrovka intend to demand a criminal case be opened, since, in their opinion, a whole host of victims were not provided with the necessary first aid.

«I am preparing to file a declaration to open a criminal case. I cannot say at this time what specific persons it relates to, since my repeated attempts to file similar declarations have been curbed,» stated 'Nord-Ost' co-chairman Tatiana Karpova at a press conference in Moscow on Thursday. «We carried out an independent investigation and we have documents that will be presented. For seven hours my son lay on the steps at 'Nord-Ost' without receiving any medical assistance. His temperature when they took him to the morgue was 35.5 (degrees Celsius, 96 degrees Fahrenheit). I don't know if he was alive or dead when they took him to the morgue, or if he died a few minutes beforehand,» she said.

Karpova stressed that «there is proof that 69 of the dead received no medical assistance whatsoever, and this is affirmed in forensic medical examinations from the case materials».

She maintains that «80% of the surviving hostages became potential invalids, having diseases including cancers, and women who went through the gas are having children with birth defects».

Igor Trunov, who represents the victims, reported that the injured parties have received access to materials from the case. «We received access to the case materials. We have evidence, which we intend to present to the European Court of Human Rights, that people did not at the hands of the terrorists,» Trunov declared.

As a result of the capture of hostages in the theatrical center at Dubrovka in October of 2002, 129 persons died and more than 700 were injured.

Related links:

Strasbourg court began working on the Chernetsova lawsuit stemming from the terror act at Dubrovka //NEWSru.com // In Russia // 13 April 2007

Russians believe that the Russian governments intentionally hid the truth about 'Nord-Ost' //NEWSru.com // In Russia // 23 October 2006

Former 'Nord-Ost' hostages file a lawsuit against high-ranking officials //NEWSru.com // In Russia // 23 October 2006

Terrorists seize a theater in Moscow where the musical 'Nord-Ost' is showing //NEWSru.com // In Russia // 23 October 2002

NEWSru.com catalogue:

Internet information resources

NEWSru.com dossier: Moscow // Terrorism // Nord-Ost

The above information was collected from sources at the 'Integrum' information service, the largest in Russia

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  Comments (1)
1. Пресс-конференция
Written by Дмитрий Миловидов, on 20-04-2007 22:02
Полная аудиозапись пресс-конференции:
Следует отметить, что доступ к материалам дела получен за счет настойчивости родственников погибших, по неделе с валидолом в руках переписывавших медицинские экспертизы.
А также это- результат труда адвокатов Карины Москаленко и Ольги Михайловой и принципиальности судей Васиной и Сусиной, добившихся от Прокуратуры г. Москвы предоставления суду материалов дела «Норд-Оста».

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