Written by Сергей Соколов
Вторник, 01 Апрель 2008 |
Anna Politkovskaya’s alleged killed was warned that there was a warrant for his arrest On Saturday, March 29th, there was another attempt to prevent the investigation of Anna Politkovskaya’s murder: they published the full name of the alleged killer before his arrest. The purpose of information leakage is clearly to warn the killer. Be first to comment this article | Views: 5291 | E-mail |
Written by Юрий Сафронов
Четверг, 29 Ноябрь 2007 |
Anna Politkovskaya’s book wins a prestigious literary award On the evening of Monday, November 26th, in the great hall of Munich University, Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya was posthumously awarded the prize for her book “A Russian Diary,” which was published in German. Ilya Politkovsky accepted the certificate. The hall, with seating for more than a thousand, was full, and if not for the German habit of orderliness (in the opinion of the Germans, only one person can occupy one place), people would have been sitting “on each other's shoulders”: according to the ceremony’s organizers, “unfortunately, only a small number of those desiring” were able to get into the ceremony. The Geschwister-Scholl-Preis — the Scholl Siblings Prize — is a joint award by the Munich Culture Committee and the Bavarian branch of the German Association of Publishers and Booksellers. This honored “book” award is named after Hans and Sophie Scholl — student activists in the White Rose resistance group. In February 1943 they were arrested at Munich University for distributing anti-Nazi leaflets and after three days of torture they were demonstratively executed. Be first to comment this article | Views: 3892 | E-mail |
Written by Марина Дайнеко
Пятница, 12 Октябрь 2007 |
One of many memorial services dedicated to the anniversary of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya took place in New York City on October 7th. It was organized by a group of admirers led by broadcaster Anton Krylov, who is also the initiator of a campaign to rename a New York City street in honor of Anna Politkovskaya. Exactly one year ago, Anna Politkovskaya, a columnist for the Russian publication ‘Novaya Gazeta’ and famous for her critical articles on the Caucasus and human rights, was shot dead in her apartment building on Lesnaya Street, Moscow. The death of the journalist provoked a widespread, international outcry.
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Written by Люба Бурбан
Пятница, 05 Октябрь 2007 |
Special for the ‘MZ’ by Lubov Burban While returning from vacation in November last year, we stopped in Paris. Obviously, three days and Paris are ‘incompatible’, but the temptation to visit the Louvre was so great that we ‘shot’ out into the street long before the museum was open — because, what if there was a line? (Old Soviet habits are hard to break.) Our hotel was in the center of the city, on a quiet street where there were no trendy shops or expensive restaurants, just 5 or 6-storied houses, adorned with wrought-iron lacework balconies so close to each other that they merged into an ensemble, as if they were all created at the same time by the same craftsman. The Parisian neighborhoods, no matter how many times we read about them in novels, or saw them in films, were our first ‘shock’. It was early, and the street cleaners were already finishing up their jobs and the Parisians had not yet started theirs. Rare passers-by gathered in tiny cafes for morning coffee, but we were not stopping, we were heading for the Louvre. The street was just waking up, and the tiny cars, so dissimilar in size to U.S. ‘gondolas’, were still peacefully asleep, awaiting their passengers. After walking a few blocks toward the center of the city, ahead of us we saw a woman walking toward us, holding a bouquet. She was in a big hurry, and she occasionally glanced at the flowers, as if assessing whether they were worthy of whomever they were intended. Just a few meters before our possible encounter, the Parisienne turned abruptly toward a building across the street. Comments (2) | Views: 5774 | E-mail |
Written by Олег Кусков
Пятница, 05 Октябрь 2007 |
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Радио «Свобода» В воскресенье — годовщина со дня гибели Анны Политковской. Представители официальных российских властей не раз пытались утверждать, что статьи обозревателя «Новой газеты» не оказывали влияния на процессы в стране. С такой точкой зрения категорически не согласны коллеги Анны Политковской, многие общественные и политические деятели, а также герои ее материалов. После убийства Анна Политковской президент России Владимир Путин заявил, что «она была известна в журналистских и правозащитных кругах, но ее влияние на политическую жизнь в России было минимальным». Гораздо раньше прозвучало высказывание представителя Центра общественных связей ФСБ России Ильи Шабалкина о том, что «Новая газета» и ее сотрудница Анна Политковская используют поездки журналистки в Чечню «для разрешения своих финансовых проблем и разногласий с некоторыми фондами». Представители власти не гнушались подобными обвинениями, пытаясь создать образ меркантильной журналистки, чьи статьи не производили должного эффекта на читателей. Но людей, хорошо знавших Анну Политковскую, такие заявления коробят. Be first to comment this article | Views: 4603 | E-mail |
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