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Grishin, Alexey
Памяти Алексея Дмитриевича Гришина
Светлая память прекрасному человеку! Мы работали в ГМПС, тогда он был молодым начальником отдела металлов, подающим боль...
14/11/23 18:27 more...
author Бондарева Юлия

Panteleev, Denis
Вот уже и 21 год , а будто как вчера !!!!
26/10/23 12:11 more...
author Ирина

Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
24/10/23 17:44 more...
author Аноним

Bochkov, Alexei
Терракт в Палестине, Сектор Газа
Сегодня в гражданскую больницу Палестины прилетела ракета, погибли до 1000 человек, весь мир взбудоражен. И я оказался н...
18/10/23 02:13 more...
author Андрей

Radchenko, Vladimir
Дядя Володя, я тебя помню и буду помнить всегда!
04/09/23 22:05 more...
author Елена

Our guardian angel Anna
Пятница, 05 Октябрь 2007

Special for the ‘MZ’ by Lubov Burban

While returning from vacation in November last year, we stopped in Paris. Obviously, three days and Paris are ‘incompatible’, but the temptation to visit the Louvre was so great that we ‘shot’ out into the street long before the museum was open — because, what if there was a line? (Old Soviet habits are hard to break.)

Our hotel was in the center of the city, on a quiet street where there were no trendy shops or expensive restaurants, just 5 or 6-storied houses, adorned with wrought-iron lacework balconies so close to each other that they merged into an ensemble, as if they were all created at the same time by the same craftsman. The Parisian neighborhoods, no matter how many times we read about them in novels, or saw them in films, were our first ‘shock’.

It was early, and the street cleaners were already finishing up their jobs and the Parisians had not yet started theirs. Rare passers-by gathered in tiny cafes for morning coffee, but we were not stopping, we were heading for the Louvre. The street was just waking up, and the tiny cars, so dissimilar in size to U.S. ‘gondolas’, were still peacefully asleep, awaiting their passengers.

After walking a few blocks toward the center of the city, ahead of us we saw a woman walking toward us, holding a bouquet. She was in a big hurry, and she occasionally glanced at the flowers, as if assessing whether they were worthy of whomever they were intended. Just a few meters before our possible encounter, the Parisienne turned abruptly toward a building across the street.

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«Имя Политковской стало для нас паролем»
Понедельник, 01 Октябрь 2007
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Радио «Свобода»

Накануне годовщины убийства обозревателя «Новой газеты» Анны Политковской особую признательность в ее адрес высказывают те, кому журналистка помогала в самые критические моменты их жизни. Среди них члены общественной организации содействия защите пострадавших от терактов «Норд-Ост». В дни драматических событий на Дубровке Анна Политковская несколько раз была в здании Театрального центра, приносила воду для заложников. О трагедии «Норд-Оста» и ее последствиях из-под пера Анны Политковской вышла не одна статья.

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«We had to leave the auditorium»
Среда, 26 Сентябрь 2007
On September 13–14, 2007, a high-level meeting was held in Vienna to discuss the problems of terrorist victims. Representatives of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU, the UN, government delegations and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) from 56 countries participated in the conference. But even such an important event did not manage to take place on without some politicking, demonstrations, and even a public settling of accounts. Karaganda resident Svetlana Gubareva represented the Nord-Ost NGO at the meeting, and, on returning from Austria, shared her impressions with (Karaganda newspaper) Noviy Vestnik.

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RDX, and the truth, are not sweet
Понедельник, 24 Сентябрь 2007

In ‘Novaya Gazeta’, September 12th, 2005

What took place behind the scenes of the broadcast of ‘Ryazan Sugar’, and how the FSB tried to disrupt the ‘Independent Investigation’ show

‘Novaya Gazeta’ first uncovered the Ryazan exercises and the FSB’s unconvincing excuse that the bags they had planted under an apartment building on Novoselov Street were merely sugar. In early 2000, our correspondent went to Ryazan and spoke with the explosives expert. He was one of the first to arrive at the scene, and found that the bags contained RDX (see ‘Novaya Gazeta’ editions #6 & #8, 2000). Soon our staff member managed to find a paratrooper in a Ryazan military unit, who was assigned to protect an RDX warehouse where the explosives were actually packed in bags like sugar (see ‘Novaya Gazeta’ #10, 2000). The soldier’s testimony was recorded on a Dictaphone.

A huge scandal erupted after this was published. The explosives expert and the entire warehouse guard detachment were sent to Chechnya, while official government television channels launched a campaign. Generals gave speeches. At first, the military men denied that there ever was such a soldier or such a warehouse. Then they acknowledged that the soldier and the warehouse were real, but denied decisively that RDX was stored in sacks there.

The story received an even more interesting continuation after NTV and Nikolai Nikolayev conducted their independent investigation.

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Speech of the permanent representative of Russia to the OSCE permanent council
Четверг, 20 Сентябрь 2007

By A. N. Borodavkin

Mister chairman,

The inter-regional public organization “Russian-Chechen Friendship Organization” was dissolved on October 13th, 2006, after the court in Nizhny Novgorod found it guilty of activities openly encouraging terrorism. The Russian Supreme Court affirmed this decision in January of 2007.

In accordance with Point 16, Subpart IV of the 1992 Helsinki Document, organizations and persons who openly encourage terrorism cannot be permitted into OSCE events or take part in their activities. After 1992 this rule has been reflected many times in many OSCE documents. It was affirmed by last week’s Council Resolution #803, concerning modalities of conducting this high-level meeting on victims of terrorism.

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OSCE pulled into a scandal
Среда, 19 Сентябрь 2007

By Valery Kopotin

In Dni.ru

Last week’s conference, “A high-level meeting with victims of terrorism”, held under the aegis of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), did not pass without incident. Related to this were the activities of certain Russian “human rights” organizations.

The first collision occurred concerning the participation of the so-called “Russian-Chechen Friendship Organization (RCFO)”, which had been dissolved in Russia less than a year ago after a court decision.

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The bureaucrats said: forget about it!
Воскресенье, 16 Сентябрь 2007
Eight years have passed since the tragedy in a small southern town built at the confluence of two great rivers, the Volga and the Don. On September 16th not a single central or regional television or radio station uttered a word about the incident that happened eight years ago, the tragedy in Volgodonsk. On that day an explosion of two tons of TNT and RDX suddenly divided so many lives of into BEFORE the attack, and AFTER.

BEFORE was a quiet life, with hopes and plans for the future, and the smiles of the children. AFTER is tears, the pain of loss, the indifferent eyes of hospital officials, and the loss of health and work. Today, eight years after, the bureaucrats tell us: “What is it that you are all remembering? It’s time to forget about it!”

Forget what? Forget the pain of the mothers, the pain of the orphaned children, the question in their eyes that says: “Why us?”


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