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author Андрей

The Security services agencies must report to the public
Written by С.С. Митрохин   
Среда, 26 Январь 2011
The Russian United Democratic Party ‘Yabloko’ demands that the Federal Security Service provide the public and Parliament with a detailed report on the investigation of all major terrorist attacks since the bombings in Moscow in September of 1999.
It is clear now that the intelligence service secrecy is causing direct harm to the safety of Russian citizens.
The vicious practice of covering up the circumstances of terror attacks leads to an absolute lack of control, and therefore irresponsible security services.
There is still no answer to many questions related to the tragedies at ‘Nord-Ost’ and Beslan. Virtually nothing is known about the circumstances of explosions in the Moscow subway in March of last year. The security services communiqués to the public are limited to triumphant reports, without details, on the destruction of this or that latest bandit. These reports summon even less confidence, because the security of the public in Russia remains at an all-time low.
The loss of human life is more than enough reason to demand from the FSB a detailed report on the investigation of terrorist attacks.
We also believe that the heads of the FSB, on up to the senior management, must take responsibility for failures in their work, which in turn leads to tragedies.
Public control over all activities of the security agencies, and above all, the FSB, can provide such responsibility.
At this time there is no control whatsoever. Last year the FSB made every effort to receive broader powers to fight citizens and civic organizations opposed to the arbitrariness and secrecy of the authorities.
We demand to know why they have failed to prevent the mass murder of civilians.
We demand convincing evidence that the organizers and sponsors of terrorist attacks can no longer cause us new grief.
We demand cooperation with the public in developing recommendations to improve the work of security services and law enforcement.
It is only in this that we can achieve real retribution against those responsible for deaths, and more importantly, do everything possible to prevent such tragedies.
From the chairman of RUDP ‘Yabloko’, Sergei Sergeevich Mitrokhin
On the ‘Yabloko’ Party website, January 26th, 2011

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