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Participants in the assault tell their story
Written by Телеканал «Россия», «Вести недели»   
Воскресенье, 27 Октябрь 2002
The defeat of Barayev’s gang — the point of view of participants in the assault
From television channel ‘Rossiya’, on the program ‘News of the Week’

Разгром банды Бараева. Взгляд участников спецоперации

‘Alfa’ and ‘Vityazya’ commandos spoke with unprecedented frankness during a meeting with reporters:
Our group moved surreptitiously to the building from the hospital side. Once inside, we took up our starting positions and moved along the corridor. From the street side there was a large poster, and just around the corner we met resistance — automatic fire, and a grenade was tossed at us.
We returned fire, killing a terrorist in the hallway. When we started to enter the room where Barayev and his associates gave their press conference, we met automatic weapons fire. We fired a few bursts and used two tear gas grenades.
Three groups from the basement went into action. Prior to entering, we already heard shooting. We got the command to go in. We went in, and the first thing we saw was a terrorist. He was clearly visible, and had a weapon aimed at us. He was 15 meters away, and already raising his weapon and shooting. The burst went into the glass (of the windows). In literally seconds we dashed 15 meters and got to the doors and went into the auditorium. Grenades flew from the right side, from the lobby.
We entered the hall in two groups: from the direction of the stage and the auditorium entrance. The terrorists who were on the stage began to show some resistance. This was suppressed immediately, in seconds. The group went in and opened fire.
All terrorists, of course, were armed — all of them, to the very last one. In the auditorium, literally by the entrance doors, I still cannot hear very well, just to the right there was sitting a woman, all dressed all in black and with a (bomb) belt. In one hand she had a gun, and in her other hand was a grenade. She took a shot in our direction. She was, well, naturally, she was neutralized, destroyed. One of our guys grabbed the grenade from her hand. It had no ring.
From the two groups we started to disperse around the hall. On the right side once again were two terrorists, who fired at us, from assault rifles, but thank God that it turned out okay: our group works pretty well. From the next door a group entered, the same group that was in movie projection room, the ones who got the tear gas. One of the terrorists pops out from there and he was killed immediately. I would like to mention that our group worked with great professionalism.
There was the huge probability of an explosion from one of the suicide belts. This was evident when we went in and saw the woman sitting there ready for us. She had a belt on, but let me say: she had a pistol in one hand and a grenade in the other. She did not have enough time to let it go from her hand, because we work very fast.
The commandos managed without any losses. A couple got wounded, and a few got shell shock. When we were cutting holes in the poster (for air circulation), on television they reported that supposedly terrorists the throwing up the white flag. We bandaged our unit chief, who was wounded by shrapnel. The terrorists were quite seriously prepared, and their weapons and equipment were decent.
The volume of fire was great, but in the building, the premises, the auditorium, there where a large number of hostages. The whole auditorium — can you imagine how that was? We still had other places to work through. Naturally, some people went in, our people went in there to save the maximum number of our citizens, all the hostages in the auditorium and in the building in general. In such a situation we had to work well. Why? Because we had no time.
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