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Interview with the gunmen in the ‘Nord-Ost’ auditorium
Written by «Эхо Москвы», «Комсомольская Правда»   
Четверг, 24 Октябрь 2002

A correspondent with ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda' has held an interview with the terrorists. Radio ‘Echo of Moscow' journalists were able to transmit live a telephone interview with representatives of the terrorists. ‘Around the News' will publish links to interviews with to most famous of the gunmen: Basayev, Maskhadov, and Mullah Omar, the terrorist who blew up an apartment building in Buynaksk.

The terrorists are well acquainted with weapons, but much less so with words.

Aslan Hasmamat: Hello, I'm listening.

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': What's you name?

Aslan Hasmamat: Aslan, I'm Movsar's assistant.

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': Aslan, tell Movsar that Yevtushenko is calling. He should remember, I met Arbi Barayev in Grozny, and he was there. Give him the phone.

Aslan Hasmamat: Movsar is not in the auditorium.

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': Well, where is he?

Aslan Hasmamat: He is checking the entrances.

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': What are you counting on?

Aslan Hasmamat: We are counting on not leaving here alive until Russian forces are removed from Chechnya. This is our only demand, and our last one."

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': You understand that an army of 50 thousand can't pull out in a day or two. That would take, perhaps, several weeks.

Aslan Hasmamat: We're in no hurry.

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': But at least couldn't you let all the women go? There are probably enough men.

Aslan Hasmamat: Movsar decides who we let go. As far as the women go, I think that we can agree on something, but not with you.

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': What was that explosion?

Aslan Hasmamat: One of our people threw a grenade."

‘Komsomolskaya Pravda': Are there any casualties?

A continuation of the interview on the ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda' web site.

One of the terrorists who identified himself as Hasmamat, a member of a suicide battalion, stated live on the air that not a single one of the hostages has been harmed by the terrorists.

«If Kadyrov has enough courage to enter this auditorium, then that could free 50 people. Even though he isn't worth a person's finger,» added Hasmamat. He denied reports that they hostages had been forbidden from calling on their mobile phones. «That's utter nonsense, I won't even comment on it,» the terrorist noted.

Once again he stated the terrorists' demand. It is the immediate cessation of military operations in Chechnya, the start of negotiations, and removal of forces from Chechnya. In his opinion, a week is long enough to remove the forces.
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