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What is a victim of terrorism?
Written by Эдуардо Маккензи (Eduardo Mackenzie)   
Среда, 21 Сентябрь 2011

Годовщина взрывов на станциях метро "Лубянка" и "Парк культуры" Today's society has a great moral and legal responsibility to remember victims of terrorism. The years that these people spent in the fight against terrorism, as well as the radicalism that leads to terrorism, and their work on the consequences of terrorism, have benefited society, which, today more than ever, is subject to these cruel and barbarous terrorist attacks.

What does it mean to be a victim of terrorism? In the world there are states that cannot answer this question and do not wish to answer it. Anneta Gadiyeva is a survivor of the terrible events in Beslan, in North Ossetia, Russia, where on September 3rd, 2004, thirty-two armed militants seized a school. Gadiyeva's speech to the 450 participants of the VII International Congress on Victims of Terrorism was one of the most heartbreaking ever. In Beslan, she lost Melina, her one year-old daughter. The Russian government does not consider these people victims of terrorism, and does not provide them any assistance. Moscow does not know what might be a victim of terrorism.

Another victim of a terrorist attack in Russia is Irina Halay, who also was in Paris. On September 16th, 1999, a vehicle loaded with explosives blew up next to an apartment building in Volgodonsk. Halay reiterated Gadiyeva's speech: no one listens to the victims of terrorism in Russia. They feel alone, and forgotten. No one shows them any sympathy, and even wounded children are not provided specialized medical care. They are not considered victims, but simply injured persons.

The Russian government failed to learn its lessons from events in Beslan and does not know how to prevent similar tragedies in the future. “The terrorists barricaded us in the gym,” said Gadiyeva. “There were 1,127 of us, mostly teenagers and children. They treated us like animals. During those infinitely long 53 hours we were given no food or water. The children drank their own urine, and the heat was unbearable. Some of the hostages were tortured. Those who tried to escape were shot in the back. I asked that they let me leave with my baby, but they wouldn't allow it.” In the end, there was an appalling military assault that left more than 700 wounded and 370 dead, 186 of which were children. Many bodies were never identified.

Despite their hatred of the terrorists and their wild anger against the irresponsible and unduly harsh actions of the authorities, the survivors have chosen to go to court, explained Anneta and Irina. The victims demand a new investigation, as there are simply too many questions. For example: how did terrorists on the most-wanted list, and many already arrested and convicted, remain at liberty to do their heinous acts in Beslan? How were they able to obtain weapons and explosives and enter the school? How was it possible for terrorists to plant bombs in several apartment buildings during the 1999 series of terrorist attacks? Victims of these terrorist attacks are still in the dark, but what is worse is that no one wants to listen to them. The fear of listening to victims of terrorism, the fear of learning the truth from them, is very great in the Russia of Putin and Medvedev. The only support the victims receive is from the international community. Victims of other terrorist attacks in Russia find themselves in the same situation, yet they continue to hope that one day they will receive the status of victims of terrorism.

Israel, a country which since its founding has lived in a perpetual state of war, is the exact opposite of Russia: its legislation regarding the protection of victims of terrorism is one of the most advanced in the world. In that country such people are acknowledged and supported by both the government and society, just like each and every injured soldier. The president of One Family Fund, Oriella Bliah, explained that Israel pays for the needs of victims of terrorist attacks that occur there, regardless of nationality of the victims — even tourists (are compensated). Children orphaned as a result of terrorist attacks receive support and education from the State. Israel even pays other large expenditures for survivors of terrorist acts, such as weddings.

The reaction of the Spanish public and its civil institutions after the bombings that took place in Madrid on March 11th, 2004, are an example to the world. Esther Sáez was inside one of four train cars that were blown up. She was seriously injured, but survived thanks to timely medical assistance, though the process of physical and mental recovery was long. One of the questions remaining to torment her was regarding the official investigation. “It is still not known who planted the bombs and who planned it all. The trains and other evidence were destroyed,” she said. Two other speakers were Juan de Dios Davila, whose brother was killed in an ETA terrorist attack in Madrid on June 21st, 1993, and Begonia Garcia de Vicuna Elorsa, whose son was killed in an ETA terrorist attack in Vitoria on February 22nd, 2000. They raised concerns shared by other Spanish participants in the Congress: the political branch of ETA has returned to power by virtue of an illegal decision by the Constitutional Court of Spain, which in May of 2011 allowed the extremist coalition Bild to take part in local elections in the Basque regions of Spain. As a result, the extremists received a significant number of seats in the local government. The Spanish Supreme Court later banned Bild, considering the coalition to be a reincarnation of the Batasuna political group, which supports the ETA and had been previously banned. The Zapatero government, however, was in favor of legalizing Bild. Bild's gains in elections in parts of the Basque region leaves local victims of ETA terror now living in constant fear.

Three victims of the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York City also spoke before the Congress. They reported that assistance to victims of the attacks was provided very quickly, though not without problems regarding medical care, particularly for rescuers who were injured or came down with illnesses as a result of their work. Nancy Aronson, who lost a relative as a result of the terror attacks in New York City, spoke on the necessity of creating an association of terrorism victims, and noted that it is not always possible to get the attention of the official commission investigating September 11th.

French attorney Isabelle Teste indicated that France recognizes the status of victims of terrorism and initiates criminal proceedings after every terrorist attack. Victims may be personally involved in the process, but they can refuse “if the hearings are unbearable for victims of the terror attacks or they have to face the organizers of the (terrorist attacks).” Teste recalled that “there are funds to assist all victims of terrorism, and they cannot refuse to allow compensation.”

The crowd was shocked by a case involving a French Moslem family: Zakiya Bonnet, along with her husband and 15-year-old son, made the pilgrimage to Mecca. On a road near Medina in Saudi Arabia, terrorists attacked them. Zakiya's husband died on the scene. Her son was shot four times, but died six hours later in front of his mother after being denied care at the hospital. In response to her request for assistance, Saudi authorities demanded that Bonnet leave the country within 36 hours, since officially there are no terrorists or terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia.

Rounding up the Congress's work were three speeches: Carlos Blanco Divari of the Supreme Court of Spain, French human rights advocate Dominic Bodi, and French Ambassador for Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Francois Ziemer. Sixteen terrorism victims afterward read a paragraph from the Manifesto of the Victims of Terrorism, in fifteen different languages.

The results of the Congress were impressive: 450 gathered in Paris to hear 35 victims of terrorism from 35 countries who had been affected by 27 terrorist attacks around the world, occurring between 1956–2011.

In the final speech, Carlos Blanco Divari perfectly summed up the mood of the Congress and the fundamental ideas expressed during the course of its work: “Terrorism is an evil in its very essence. It is necessary to fight it until its destruction. Any alliance or collusion with terrorists must be condemned. No legitimate state can exist if it its mechanisms to combat terrorism do not work, and this struggle must be based on the principles of universal morality and ethics.

“Justice is awarded to each according to what he deserves. The terrorist should be punished and imprisoned for the good of society. Victims of terrorism also require justice, and they should receive recognition and support, both moral and material. Victims of terrorist acts should unite.

“Today's society has a great moral and legal responsibility to remember victims of terrorism. The years that these people spent in the fight against terrorism, as well as the radicalism that leads to terrorism, and their work on the consequences of terrorism, have benefited society, which, today more than ever, is subject to these cruel and barbarous terrorist attacks. We cannot allow criminals and murderers to escape punishment or receive acquittal. To allow this would be a mistake, one which in itself denies human existence.”

By Eduardo Mackenzie
September 21st, 2011


Original publication: ¿Qué es una víctima del terrorismo?

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