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author Андрей

Was an act of terror being prepared for May 9th?
Written by Кирилл Алмакаев, Елена Шереметова   
Среда, 09 Май 2007

Komsomolskaya Pravda

By Kirill Almakayev and Elena Sheremetova.

A car full of explosives was found in the capital. Other vehicles sought.

A maroon-colored Moskvich 7-series with Chechen plates, abandoned in front of Profsoyuz Street 26/44, was found on Tuesday in the early evening. Bomb squad officers, who were immediately called to the scene, examined the auto and determined that the small car was literally filled with explosives.

The total weight of the explosives, according to preliminary information, was more than 20 kilos. In the trunk of the vehicle (it was opened by a robot) they found an assault rifle and a computer CPU with a wire leading into the car’s interior. As soon as explosives were found, rescuers and police immediately evacuated the residents of a nearby 8-story apartment building (according to law enforcement, it was not ruled out that this building could also have a bomb planted inside). Frightened residents were taken to an adjacent school. Bomb disposal experts then began to work at neutralizing the vehicle (which is still continuing).

Information was disclosed to KP that a large-scale act of terror was being prepared for the May 9th ‘Victory Day’ celebration in the capital. According to our source, it was reported that 4 booby-trapped cars had arrived in Moscow. Officers from the law-enforcement agencies immediately began a search and found the first car, the above 7-series, on Profsoyuz Street. There are continuing to look for another three ‘bombs on wheels’.


An act of terror prevented in Daghestan

On Tuesday in the Daghestan city of Khasavyurt, a large quantity of weapons and explosive devices were found in one of the single-story residential buildings on Victory Street, according to Gazeta.ru with a link to RIA News and Interfax.

At about 4 p.m. on Victory Street #25, a VAZ-2106 automobile with 30 kilos of ammonium nitrate, and pieces of metal, and nuts and bolts, which terrorists use to increase the damage of explosives. Also found was a booklet with the license plate numbers of law-enforcement officers, as well as a schematic for building bombs.

According to police information, the house on Victory Street #35 was found to contain “an entire arsenal of weapons, ammunition, and explosive devices.” In addition to the preceding items, there were 5 radio-controlled bombs, two chunks of plastic explosives, 5 grenade launchers, almost 60 grenades, three Kalashnikov assault rifles, and several thousand rounds of ammunition for these and other weapons.

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  Comments (1)
1. Written by Андрей, on 13-05-2007 10:41
Семерка, нашпигована взрывчаткой, с чеченскими номерами, да еще с тиражом «Несогласных»-не верю! Бредит ФСБ.

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