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The next black PR technology
Written by Валерий Копотин   
Четверг, 12 Июль 2007

By Valery Kopotin


On Wednesday, in the central Journalism Union building, members of the ‘Nord-Ost’ organization held a press conference. Present were co-chairmen Sergey and Tatiana Karpova as well as the organization’s activist Dmitry Milovidov. The ‘Nord-Ost’ people spoke about their intentions to bring to justice high-ranking officials who, in their opinion, are guilty of the deaths of people as a result of the terror act in the theatrical center on Dubrovka in 2002.

The press conference’s participants did not report anything new, as the arguments they made have been broadcast several times before. This time, however, the organization’s members announced that they were petitioning the Prosecutor General’s office, “with the goal of bringing the guilty to justice”. By the way, on that same day Tatiana Karpova answered questions in an online news conference for the New York Times publication.

During their speeches the co-chairmen of the ‘Nord-Ost’ organization emphasized that their declaration, connected with the investigation of the terror act on Dubrovka, was not political in nature. Moreover, according to Karpova, she had several times received offers of help in entering politics (including entering various political parties and movements), but she refused each time.

The reality of the situation is otherwise. This year, for example, members of the ‘Nord-Ost’ organization took part in sessions of the All-Russia citizen’s congress, where they spoke from the podium alongside many famous “third-row” politicians, such as Member of Parliament Vladimir Ryzhkov, OGF leader Garry Kasparov, and others. Last week, according to reports from many media sources, Mrs. Karpova took part in a conference with the ‘Other Russia’ coalition. While speaking at this conference, the co-chairman of the ‘Nord-Ost’ organization also demanded the Prosecutor General bring high-ranking officials to justice.

Not only Kasparov spoke at the same conference, but his “PR assistant, political technologist” Marina Litvinovich. As she stated while answering questions given her during the online conference, Mrs. Karpova has known Ms. Litvinovich for a long time. The ‘Nord-Ost’ co-chairman also stated that she and Marina were connected by a common grief: acts of terror. The women met in Beslan in 2004, where Litvinovich also demonstrated her activism.

We should mention that being the “boss” of a public organization connected with victims of terror acts, judging from everything, has become one of the main “specialties” of Marina Alexeeva (Litvinovich), and it is for good reason that the reputation of “the black widow” (in politics) has been enhanced. First Marina managed to “adopt” several ‘Beslan mothers’ from the ‘Voice of Beslan’ organization, and joined them up with members of ‘Nord-Ost’ and representatives of a host of other organizations. To bring the “general leadership of the operation” in existence, a ‘Fund for Assistance to Victims of Terror’ was formed. Ms. Litvinovich headed the fund, while its sponsor (and it is interesting that he does not hide this) is the White Oligarch, Leonid Nevzlin.

At the end of last year the “political technologist of blood” presented her new project, under the fanciful title of ‘A Citizen Against Terror’. It was stated that from January on, “promise keepers” would travel to Russian regions (the plan spoke of about 30 cities) “to tell the whole truth”. The distillation of this “truth” is well known – all guilt will be switched from the terrorists to the authorities, who are accused of all possible sins. “The first swallows” on these planned trips were members of the ‘Nord-Ost’ organization, including again Tatiana Karpova. The series of actions and press conferences they conducted remind us suspiciously of moves in an election campaign (that it is not surprising, considering the experience Ms. Litvinovich has in electoral campaigns). In their speeches, Marina Alexeevna’s pupils broke loose in accusatory tirades against the Russian authorities and President Vladimir Putin. “We’re not going around to settle scores with the government, but we’re obligated to punish them,” said Karpova at the time.

There are political motives for these speeches, obviously, but Litvinovich tried to deny that her project is a type of PR campaign for the early stage of the 2008 presidential elections. Nonetheless, the coincidental participation of a political technologist with terror act victims in events of a political nature has proven just the opposite. At the beginning of her “bloody road trip” when she was in Nizhny Novgorod, Litvinovich replied straightforwardly to a question as to whether the new project was connected to the beginning of the election marathon. Here the PR specialist’s direct quote: “Certainly it’s connected. I think that the investigation of terror acts should be a part of campaign platforms.” It is not surprising that she never managed to confuse the public. “Marina herself declared that her campaign is connected with the elections,” notes publicist Oleg Kashin. “Everyone understands that it’s an anti-Kremlin campaign.” Member of the House of Representatives Alexey Chadayev stated it even more harshly, calling this whole epic “a theater traveling on the bones (of the dead)”.

It is either one thing or another, but the “traveling project”, judging from everything, has is a complete fiasco – not long ago the trips to the regions ceased altogether. In its place the public receives loud declarations in the federal media and complaints to the Prosecutor General. Well, what can one do? If one PR technique does not work, you have to think up another.

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  Comments (2)
1. Written by Любовь, on 13-07-2007 12:17
Валерий Копотин, долго думала как к Вам обратиться. Признаюсь. подходящего слова не нашла — Вам повезло, что нецензурной лексике (в Ваш адрес) на этом сайте нет места. И все же — несколько в моментов по поводу Вашей статьи, которую прочитала только с 3- ей попытки — столько грязи сразу не переварить:
1) обычный вопрос — сколько Вам заплатили?
2)Если не секрет, то из какого гнезда Вы выпали с таким черным пиаром на людей, которых по-бандитски ограбили, отобрав самое дорогое — детей и родителей, родных и любимых — ведь так гнусно и желчно написать можно только после долгого пребывания среди нелюдей. Но и там ведь не все подонки, вряд ли сочли нормальным Ваш опус. Вас возмутило, что пострадавшие пытаются найти преступников, чтобы предотвратить новую Дубровку или новый Беслан, а не агитируют за третий срок Гаранта-президента, устроившего газовую камеру в центре Москвы. Но ведь для этого есть Вы и Ваши циничные единомышленники из Общественной палаты (Алексей Чадаев), да и кто может сравниться в пиаре с Вашим красноречием, «ярким» набором гадостей:"передвижной театр на костях» «кровавые гастроли». Вы, безусловно, способный негодяй, и в этом плане у Вас большое «Будущее»
Интересно, есть ли у вас дети? Страшно за них — что вырастет!!!
2. Written by Дмитрий Миловидов, on 14-07-2007 21:28
Из речи Марины Литвинович коптящим писакой вырезано всего два слова:
«…Считаю, что расследование терактов должно стоять в повестке избирательной кампании [U]КАЖДОГО КАНДИДАТА[/U]".
Вот и получилось черным-черно…
„Слава богу, мой дружище,
есть у нас враги-
значит, есть, наверно и друзья!“
/Ю. Визбор/

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