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On the 'Nord-Ost' case being examined in the European Court
Written by Сергей Корзун   
Вторник, 27 Октябрь 2009
1From an interview with Karinna Moskalenko:
«…We asked about Nord-Ost. We have several applicants who are simply afraid that they won't ever live to see a decision in this case. And so we raised the question: When? And then suddenly we received the answer that it would be considered at one of the upcoming meetings. What's interesting is that this will be all at once. The European Court has started doing this rather frequently. I just didn't expect that, in this case, they would consider both the case and questions on its admissibility and merits. I.e.: This will seriously reduce the time it takes to examine the case.»
From radio station 'Echo of Moscow', the 'No Fools' show.

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