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author Андрей

He died while saving hostages
Written by Надежда БАСМАНОВА   
Четверг, 28 Октябрь 2010

Фото Архипа ЛАРЧЕНКОA physician by profession, Oleg Magerlamov was killed in 2002 during the terrorist attack in Moscow, in that sadly famous theater on Dubrovka. Magerlamov was with his colleague Vladislav Ponomarev on a business trip to Moscow, and that evening they went to see a musical at the theater… The terrorists took more than 900 hostages and held them for three days. Then the special operation began, during which, according to official figures, 129 died.

On October 26th, 2010, on the eighth anniversary of the hostage crisis in the Moscow theatrical center on Dubrovka, City School #4 held a day of remembrance for Oleg Magerlamov, an alumnus of the school.

After the assault, famous pediatrician Leonid Roshal told about the two doctors from the Kuban district who helped him assist hostages. When the gas was released, they covered their faces with wet t-shirts and lay down between the theater seats. Oleg’s friends found him in the morgue, but his friend managed to survive.

After losing his mother at a young age, Oleg vowed to become a gynecologist, and that is what he did. It is well known that he helped many of our female fellow citizens find the joy of motherhood, as well as cures from severe illnesses.

City School #4, where Oleg Magerlamov studied, mounted a memorial plaque in his honor. That morning the school began the day with a radio broadcast about Oleg, prepared by history teacher and former classmate Elena Serdyutskaya, while ninth-grader Yulia Churkinaprovela gave a tour of the school museum. One of the exhibits tells about a Young Komsomolets in the 1970s by the name of Oleg Magerlamov, and on that day more than nine hundred students from the school viewed the exhibit.

PHOTO: plaque at School #4 in memory of Oleg Magerlamov.

In the newspaper ‘Labor Banner’

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