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Fake bombs found in Baikonur kindergartens
Written by Лента.ру   
Среда, 17 Август 2011

Фото Юрия ДанилевскогоFake bombs were found on the playgrounds of four Baikonur kindergartens, according to a report by RIA Novosti on Wednesday, August 17th, citing city law enforcement officials.

They told the news agency that the simulated explosive devices were found on August 15th on the premises of kindergartens located on Maximov and Nitochkin streets in the 6th and 7th city districts.

The fakes consisted of a metal box, ammunition, batteries, electrical wires, small light bulbs, and putty. In addition, a packet with 50 ammo cartridges was found at another kindergarten on Yangel Street.

Due to these incidents, a criminal case was opened under articles 222 (trafficking in weapons) and 213 (disorderly conduct) of the Russian criminal code.

The city of Baikonur is located in Kazakhstan near the space center bearing the same name, and has the status of a city of the Russian Federation.

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