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Kurbatova, Christina
Милые, хорошие наши детки!!! Так просто не должно быть, это больно, это нечестно, это ужасно.
30/06/24 01:30 more...
author Ольга

Grishin, Alexey
Памяти Алексея Дмитриевича Гришина
Светлая память прекрасному человеку! Мы работали в ГМПС, тогда он был молодым начальником отдела металлов, подающим боль...
14/11/23 18:27 more...
author Бондарева Юлия

Panteleev, Denis
Вот уже и 21 год , а будто как вчера !!!!
26/10/23 12:11 more...
author Ирина

Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
24/10/23 17:44 more...
author Аноним

Bochkov, Alexei
Терракт в Палестине, Сектор Газа
Сегодня в гражданскую больницу Палестины прилетела ракета, погибли до 1000 человек, весь мир взбудоражен. И я оказался н...
18/10/23 02:13 more...
author Андрей

Memorial in New York dedicated to victims of September 11th
Written by Лента.ру   
Вторник, 11 Сентябрь 2001

Барак Обама и Джордж Буш с супругами на церемонии памяти 11 сентября. Фото ©AFPIn New York City a memorial was dedicated to the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks, according to Agence France-Presse. The opening of the memorial was part of a ceremony marking the tenth anniversary of the terror attacks.

The ceremony began with a moment of silence for the nearly three thousand who perished. The minute was timed to the moment when the first of the terrorist-captured airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center towers. In future ceremonies there will be five more observations of a minute of silence — to mark the moment when the second airliner struck the second tower, the time the third airliner crashed into the Pentagon, the time the fourth airliner crashed in Pennsylvania (the airplane crashed because passengers resisted the attackers), and the moments when each tower collapsed.

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Karinna Moskalenko
Written by Анна Строганова   
Четверг, 25 Ноябрь 1999

Karinna Moskalenko: “Besides the European Court, we do not have anything else we can count on”

Адвокат Карина Москаленко Rosa Malsagova / RFIKarinna Moskalenko, the attorney representing the ‘Nord-Ost’ victims at the European Court of Human Rights, talks about the case’s progress in Strasbourg, which has become became her clients’ last hope.

October 24th marks the 9 years from the date of the seizure of hostages in the theater on Dubrovka in Moscow. 912 people had come to see the musical ‘Nord-Ost’, and on October 26th, 2002, during the assault 130 of them were killed, according to official figures. The investigation into the terrorist attack was called off in 2007, but reopened again this year.

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March 11th is the European Day of Victims of Terrorism
Written by СМИ   
ImageEurope today is observing the Day of Victims of Terrorism. This day commemorates over 5,000 people who were victims of terrorist attacks that occurred in the European Union.
In his speech before the European Parliament (EP), EP chairman Jerzy Buzek noted: “terrorists have declared war against the civilian population and carry, out their acts in places where people used to feel safe. This is shameful, deceitful and cowardly. This is why terrorism can never be justified.”
According to European Commissioner for Internal Affairs Cecilia Malmström, the threat of terrorism in the European Union is real, and therefore the efforts of EU member states should focus on preventing new terrorist attacks.
“An important aspect of this work is combating the radicalization that is conducive to terrorism. This has been defined as one of the key objectives of the European strategy of internal security. The issues of radicalization can only be solved together with local communities. In this regard, this year we will set up a system of radicalization prevention and prophylaxis among vulnerable populations,” said C. Malmström.

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A secret covered in ashes
Written by Московский комсомолец   
‘MK’ investigation: Unidentified remains from the Guryanov Street apartment building blast are still at the morgue 11 years later

September 9th, 1999: the bombing of the apartment building on Guryanov Street.

We have gotten used to thinking about high-profile terrorist attacks only on even dates.

Today is not even date. It is not even the same month, and there is no new information.

So why have we decided to resurrect this forgotten topic? It is simple — a little while ago we got a phone call here at the ‘MK’ editorial offices:
“People still remember ‘Nord-Ost’ and Beslan, but they forgot about the very first terrorist attack, the one on Guryanov Street. It’s as if it never happened at all. But there are people who still can’t bury their loved ones who died in the tragedy. Even though it’s been 11 years! There are 90-plus remains still in a special freezer while the state has no money to do DNA testing…”

The woman on the line never introduced herself. She simply hung up.
She was used to no one playing attention to her words.

It was her cry of despair. A cry, it seemed to her, in the wilderness.

We tracked down the very same people who, after the blast on Guryanov, were unable to bury their loved ones. After 11 years of waiting, they finally agreed to tell us what they had kept silent about for so many years.

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