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author Андрей

Her First Day at Work
Written by NEW YORK TIMES   
Среда, 03 Октябрь 2001

ImageOn Sept. 11 at 9 a.m., Zhanetta Tsoy's life was to begin anew. It was Day 1 of a new job in a new country, a place where she and her husband believed their futures were as big and bright as the New York skyline. Fresh from Kazakhstan, Ms. Tsoy, 32, could hardly believe she was about to go to work in one of the world's tallest buildings, as an accountant for Marsh & McLennan. She was so excited that shortly after arriving in America, on Aug. 23, Ms. Tsoy dragged her husband and 4-year-old daughter on a sightseeing trip to the World Trade Center.

Her husband, Vyacheslav Ligay, said she was «very hurried» when she left for her first morning of work. «She was afraid that she can't be late,» he said. «Zhanetta wanted very much to make a good start.»

In the days since the towers collapsed, Mr. Ligay has looked for the words to explain the disaster to their daughter, Alexandra. He has searched for the photos of their trip to the trade center, but they have also disappeared. Family members want him and Alexandra to come home to Kazakhstan. Mr. Ligay cannot. «Dead or alive, this is where my wife is,» he said. «As long as we are here, she is with us.»

Profile published in THE NEW YORK TIMES

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