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Terrorist attacks in Belarus. New Blood
Written by Алексей ЗОЛОТНИЦКИЙ   
Вторник, 12 Апрель 2011
ImageIn Minsk they will long remember the evening of April 11th, 2011, when an explosion at the ‘October’ subway station took the lives of 11 people. The law enforcement bodies after their first examination of the scene now have no doubts as to what to label the explosion: this is an act of terrorism, the likes of which modern Belarus has never before known.
How it was
According to Minsk police, the explosion occurred at 17:55 on the platform of the ‘October’ subway station near the second car of a train that was heading in the direction of the Culture Institute.
According to recent reports, there have been 11 slain in the explosion, and another 126 injured with varying degrees of severity. Victims requiring hospitalization were taken to several city hospitals, and more than 20 are in serious condition. Many of the affected have injuries to their extremities, including amputated limbs. The ‘103’ telephone information service is collecting information on the killed and injured.
Many witnesses have similar descriptions of the moment of the explosion: they heard a loud pop, as if a very large bottle of champagne had been uncorked, observed a bright flash, and everything became shrouded in acrid smoke. This smoke was visible to many on the surface as it flowed out of underground passageways.


The law enforcement agencies have not yet reported on the nature of the explosive device, while at the blast site there is a deep crater in the concrete and marble floor of the station.
An escalator near the exit on the side facing the central department store was damaged by the explosion, and wounded were carried out through a connecting passage from another subway at the ‘Kupalovsk’ subway station. Many wounded made their way out of the subway on their own, or with the assistance of other passengers.



To allow medical and rescue personnel to work unhindered, Independence Prospect was blocked in the neighborhood of the subway stations affected by the terrorist attack, and October Square was cordoned off.
An interdepartmental group composed of officers from the Interior Ministry, KGB, and Prosecutor’s office was created to investigate the terrorist attack. Deputy Attorney General Andrei Shved is at its head.



“The fault lies in us”
President Alexander Lukashenko was notified of the incident and visited the scene of terrorist attack, laying flowers, after which he held an emergency meeting of government, city, and security officials. Most of his instructions were specifically addressed to the Interior Ministry and KGB.
“In this event, we are the only ones to blame. There’s no point in covering it up. The fault lies with us,” declared Alexander Lukashenko
He reported that he had spoken by telephone with his Russian colleague, Dmitry Medvedev. The Russian side is prepared to assist investigate the explosion, and so Lukashenko instructed the Belarusian law enforcement authorities to contact the Russian FSB, Interior Ministry, and Prosecutor General’s Office, and indicate what assistance is needed. “The Russian specialists are prepared to be here by tomorrow morning,” said Lukashenko.
According to him, KGB Chairman Vadim Zaitsev will be held personally responsible for the investigation of the case. Turning to him, Lukashenko said: “Perhaps there is a connection with the July 3rd blast.” On July 4th, 2008 a bomb went off at the intersection of Victory and Masherov prospects, where a concert was being held on the occasion of (Belarusian) Independence Day.
Lukashenko in fact ordered Zaitsev to find out “who stood to profit from this, who does not like a stable and peaceful environment in our country.” “You should have enough materials,” said Lukashenko.
Secretary of State Leonid Maltsev and Interior Ministry head Anatoly Kuleshov were instructed by the president to increase security measures to the maximum, and he expressed confidence that the public would relate to this with understanding. “Don’t just make it look like this, enhance it practice. All units of the Interior Ministry should be under the gun. Turn everything inside out. Particular attention should be paid to transportation security and in places of mass gathering,” said Lukashenko.
He instructed Defense Minister Yuri Zhadobin to organize a review of all ammunition and explosives storage facilities, “to see if everything’s in place.” In this case, Lukashenko did not rule out “this gift could have been brought to us from the outside.”
For city officials, Lukashenko set the task of restoring as soon as possible subway transportation. “This event should not paralyze the life of the city. Send in the needed numbers of buses. Use MAZ (trucks),” said Lukashenko.
He also instructed the government and the authorities in Minsk to help victims and bereaved families. “Help everybody, without delay. Finance all costs from the city budget,” said Lukashenko.
Lukashenko criticized those responsible for the design of the subway station, because, he said, falling objects also injured people. “The metro needs to be built so that nothing falls on your head,” he said.
To Vladimir Makey, the head of his administration, Vladimir Lukashenko said: “People must be given information in full. Don’t hide anything.” He instructed that, in agreement with the city authorities, April 12th or 13th be declared a day of mourning in Minsk.
“A serious challenge has been thrown to us. This needs an adequate response, and it must be found…. They won’t leave us in peace, and I want to know — who,” said Lukashenko.
Turning to the public, he said: “Without you, it will be difficult to find these monsters. You need to help.”
Everything that we had seen on television earlier, from nearby Moscow or faraway London and Madrid, has today become a part of our lives. This should not have happened. They constantly told us that we were an island of stability and security, and even exploding juice packs and tin cans filled with nuts and bolts could not shake this confidence. The blasts in Vitebsk and on Independence Day in Minsk, where, fortunately, there were no casualties, have still to be solved. Who decided to blow up the subway in the capital today, and why, and if it was a matter of our own hands, or “brought to us from the outside”, will be determined in the investigation.
But for now this scar not soon disappear from the hearts of all of us — not from those who were there, nor those whom God spared. Since 17:55 on April 11th, Belarus has ceased to be a peaceful country.
April 12th, 2022 in 'NAVINY.BY'

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  Comments (3)
1. Выросло число погибших в минском метро
Written by Лента.ру website, on 12-04-2011 13:33
Умер один из пострадавших во время взрыва на станции минского метро «Октябрьская». Об этом утром во вторник, 12 апреля, сообщает Интерфакс-Запад. Таким образом, общее число жертв теракта достигло 12.
В Центре информации и общественных связей КГБ Белоруссии рассказали, что, по данным на 4:00 (5:00 по московскому времени) опознаны шестеро погибших.

Там сообщили также, что за медицинской помощью обратились 149 человек, пострадавших при взрыве (согласно предыдущим официальным данным, пострадали 126 человек). По данным Центра, состояние 22 раненых оценивается как тяжелое, 30 — как средней тяжести.

«Белорусские новости» опубликовали более полный, по сравнению с предыдущими, список пострадавших: в нем 134 фамилии.

БелаПАН передает со ссылкой на председателя Минского горисполкома Николая Ладутько, что похороны погибших пройдут 13–15 апреля.

Сообщается также, что власти города пообещали максимально быстро восстановить работу метро, однако в ближайшие время поезда не будут останавливаться на станции «Октябрьская», где произошел теракт.

Между тем, белорусское «Радио Свобода» сообщает, что день траура объявлен 13 апреля. Такое решение принял Минский горисполком.
2. Число жертв теракта в Минске достигло 13
Written by Лента.ру website, on 16-04-2011 04:27
Скончался еще один человек, пострадавший во время теракта в Минске. Об этом, как сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС, заявили в Министерстве здравоохранения Белоруссии. Число жертв теракта, таким образом, увеличилось до 13.

В больницах на стационарном лечении остается 161 человек. В тяжелом состоянии находится 21 человек, в состоянии средней степени тяжести — 28 человек.
3. Пострадавшие при теракте в Минске получа
Written by Лента.ру website, on 16-04-2011 04:46
Пострадавшие и члены семей погибших в результате теракта в минском метро получат страховые выплаты, сообщает «Интерфакс-Запад» со ссылкой на представителей управления по обязательному страхованию гражданской ответственности перевозчика перед пассажирами и медицинскому страхованию страховой компании «Белэксимгарант».

По словам представителей компании, теракт был признан страховым случаем. Сумма страховых выплат составит от 300 до 3000 евро и будет выплачиваться в белорусских рублях. Конкретная сумма выплаты будет зависеть от тяжести причиненного здоровью вреда. Степень тяжести установят в ходе судебно-медицинских экспертиз.

Несколько пострадавших и родственники одного из погибших уже обратились за получением страховки.

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