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Terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz: 11 killed
Written by Вести.Ру   
Четверг, 06 Ноябрь 2008
1On Thursday afternoon there was an explosion on Kuybyshev Street in downtown Vladikavkaz.
The blast occurred near a van taxi, which at the time was discharging passengers near the entrance to the city's central market.
According to preliminary data, 11 people were killed, and 28 have been hospitalized.
A criminal case was initiated under the laws governing murder and terrorism. The case was assigned to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Southern Federal District.
A team is working on the scene, inspecting the scene of the crime, interviewing witnesses, and conducting other urgent investigative actions. Timur Kusov, an RTR TV correspondent on the scene, reported that the location where the blast occurred is one of the busiest in Vladikavkaz, and the incident caused panic among passers-by.
A law enforcement source told Interfax that sub-munitions were found at the scene of the blast.
In connection with the incident, trading in the central city market was halted, and the Cosmos and Globus shopping centers were closed.

Teimuraz Mamsurov, the head of North Ossetia, said that he would personally oversee the investigation into the bombing. «I've been told about what happened,» Mamsurov said. «I'll keep on monitoring the entire situation caused by the van taxi explosion. In the near future I'll hold a meeting to define measures necessary to assist the families of the victims, as well as to discuss steps to prevent similar crimes in the future.»

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