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Televnoy was shocked by ‘Nord-Ost’
Written by РИА Омск-Информ   
Понедельник, 24 Январь 2011
On Saturday there was a performance of the play ‘Nord-Ost’ at Omsk’s ‘Fifth Theater’. Vladimir Televnoy, cultural minister for the Omsk region, attended the premiere, but flatly refused to comment on what he had seen.
Omsk hosted a premiere of ‘Nord-Ost’. Seen at the premiere was Omsk regional Minister of Culture Vladimir Televnoy.
The play’s authors used the most modern methods to put brutal psychological pressure on the audience, including a black-clad and veiled actress who periodically strolled through the hall, giving the illusion of the presence of real terrorists in the hall.
At the end of the play, ‘Omsk-Inform’ decided to ask Vladimir Televnoy his impressions on what he had seen, but the minister flatly refused to comment, saying only one thing: “I went to the theater!” Clearly implying that he was here only as a private person.
It is possible that the minister refused to comment on ‘Nord-Ost’ simply because he was so overwhelmed by what he had seen that he needed time to digest it all.
According to another theory, Televnoy was just protecting himself from possible unpleasantness. As is known, the play by German dramatist Torsten Buchsteiner is a very harsh sociopolitical work. The scandalous play clearly alludes to the fact that public officials really did nothing to release the hostages, and negotiations were only conducted as a ruse. Almost all foreigners, however, view the events at Dubrovka in this light, and Buchsteiner is no exception.
If our guess is correct, then the Omsk minister clearly has his reasons for refusing to comment.
It is interesting that the fates of similar productions on the events at Dubrovka are analogous. In April 2008 there was a major cultural and political scandal in Dagestan, when performances of the play ‘In your Hands’ by British playwright Natalie Pelevayn were forbidden.
The production about the terrorist attack on Dubrovka was banned from the Russian Drama Theater in Makhachkala by the “personal initiative” of the regional minister of culture and tourism, Zumrud Suleymanov, following criticism of the play by Dagestan President Mukhu Aliyev.
The play was banned immediately after its premiere.
“I didn’t like the play,” Aliyev said at the time. "The actors were okay, but the play itself was not that good, and it idealized the terrorists too much.”

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