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author Андрей

'Nord-Ost' is five years old
Written by Екатерина Ъ-Савина   
Суббота, 27 Октябрь 2007
Yesterday marked the fifth anniversary of the 'Nord-Ost' tragedy. Meeting by the theatrical center building on Dubrovka were former hostages and relatives of the slain, as well as Muscovites, altogether about a thousand people. Politicians of all persuasions came: Yabloko Party leader Grigory Yavlinsky, SPS leader Nikita Belykh, National-Bolshevik ideologue Eduard Limonov, Russian People's Democratic Union chief Mikhail Kasyanov, and United Russia MP Josef Kobzon. They were, however, not trying to attract attention. On the steps of the building were portraits of the dead and burning candles. People came and laid red carnations next to them. On the wall of the theatrical center hung a large poster with the photos and names of all the victims. Nearby, on another wall, a granite plaque with the same names had been hung a few years ago. The chairman of the ‘Nord-Ost’ regional public organization, Tatyana Karpova, opened the memorial service.
«Time does not heal — it has stopped,» said Mrs. Karpova into the microphone. «After the assault was carried out, you, the former hostages, lay here on these steps among the dead. Some people were luckier than others. You survived, while others were packed into plastic bags.» When she finished her speech, the crowd was shown footage from video chronicles of the events five years ago. People listened in silence, sometimes sobbing. Ella Kesayeva, the co-chairman of the 'Voice of Beslan' public association, was even more specific than Tatyana Karpova. «The bloody president and the bloody generals be brought to justice,» she demanded. After the speeches, 130 white balloons were released into the sky — the same as the number of slain hostages. The event ended with a funeral requiem.
In 'Kommersant' 198 (3774), 27/10/2007

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