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Помним. |
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author Андрей |
Kamchatka Captive |
Written by Владимир ХИТРОВ | |||||||||
Вторник, 30 Ноябрь 2010 | |||||||||
If there are people in this world who have spent some time in the afterlife, then Yekaterina Matyukhina is one of these people Kamchatka learned about her in October of 2002. Chechen terrorists captured Yekaterina and her After the musical Yekaterina Matyukhina, fortunately, did not die, but neither did she awaken. She fell into a coma and did not regain consciousness for several weeks. Doctors had no hope that the patient would survive, and were preparing to disconnect her from devices supporting her body's vital functions. Begging the doctors to keep 'Katya' connected was her mother, who the night before had a dream that Katya would recover. And, much to everyone's surprise, she really began to come to, thus beginning a long road to recovery. «I was taught again how to eat, drink, walk, and talk,» said Yekaterina. «Every day was exactly like the previous one. For hours they would tell me or show me or explain something to me, and by evening I'd start to understand, but by the next morning I'd once again forgotten it all. I didn't even remember that I have a child. I didn't recognize my husband when we met, so we had to get to know each other all over again. The only person I recognized was my mother. »By the way, even today I hardly remember my life before Yekaterina still remember some episodes from her coma. A voice said that she had arrived too early, and that she had to go back to where people were waiting for her. There were other visions, but Yekaterina does not talk about them with anyone. She only says that she now knows more about life and death than most. I ask her: do you think that there is an afterlife? «I'm 100 percent sure of it.» And were you sure before «No.» Excuse me: do you go to church? «I was baptized as a child. But I was never really serious about it. But now I understand that everyone should have someplace where they can go to fortify himself psychologically, to talk about personal things, both good and bad. I have two such places: church, and my mother's grave.» When did your mother die? «A few years ago. She managed to ensure that I was sent to Moscow, to a rehabilitation center. She died on the eve of my return to Petropavlovsk. She had a weak heart. It was probably my illness that made her die so early.» Wake up call On the outside, Yekaterina Matyukhina looks completely healthy, and her thought processes are normal. But it is still premature to speak about her full recovery, of course. She understands this better than anyone else. Yes, and our fellow citizens do not let her forget her illness. «I just can't get used to the rudeness and the insults that I always have to face,» says Yekaterina. «Showing my handicapped ID on the bus, this for me is a real trial. Right away the questions start: someone so young, you should be ashamed, how much did you pay for it? I have a lot of problems at the store, and at my son's school.» What are these problems? «I have a very weak memory. I try to write down everything, but it doesn't always help. Sometimes I get to the cashier and I remember that I didn't put something in the shopping basket, so I walk away, and then come back again. And I do this a couple of times. The other shoppers and the store people get nervous. They say: she walks here and there over and over again, why can't she just get what she needs? »My son Kolya is in third grade. Occasionally I forget to put books or notebooks in his satchel, or sign his report card. The principle once called and said that, if I weren't able take care of my child, I'd be deprived of my maternal rights. For a week after this I couldn't get over it. Thank God that my neighbor's daughter is in the same class as Kolya. I talk to her ten times a day and ask what I need to get ready for school the next day. «I have a lot of domestic problems. Recently internal revenue said I owed five or six thousand rubles. I walked six kilometers to their office and asked them to help fill out the forms, but they said it's all written on the wallboards, fill it out yourself. But I couldn't figure it out. I made a mess of something so the money goes to the wrong address, and then you can't prove a thing to anyone.» You receive disability? «Yes, four thousand rubles a month (ed: about $160). But we live, of course, on my husband's earnings. He ships out as a sailor. He's almost never on shore.» Are the medications you take expensive? «I don't know. I remember that my Good people Despite the difficulties, Yekaterina does not give up or allow herself to become bitter. She believes that her husband and child should not suffer because she is not like other people. Our heroine tries to live a full life — riding a bike, shopping, and even skating. Not long ago she and her husband flew to China on vacation, though to do this the Matyukhins had to sell their car. Her But the Matyukhins do not receive any assistance from the authorities, though our leaders, certainly, could be a little more attentive to Kamchatka's only living participant in the And even more so, since, at the time, so many things were promised the victims of the terrorist attack. Yekaterina, however, takes it in stride: «Who am I to them? They have their problems, and I have mine.» She tries not to remember what happened 8 years ago, saying that it has a bad effect on her psyche. But last March, when there was a terrorist attack on the Moscow subway, the memories came flooding back on their own. «I couldn't calm down for a long time. I watched the TV news with my tears flowing,» said Yekaterina. She has suffered a lot for her 32 years, but she mostly tries to concentrate on the good in the world around us, not the bad. When we parted, she asked to thank through the newspaper all who understand her: first and foremost, her husband Oleg and her son Kolya, as well as relatives, friends, doctors, and many other good people. In ‘Argumenty i Fakty’ — Kamchatka, #37 (1558), September 14, 2010. Views: 5785 |
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