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How a Muscovite became a terrorist
Written by Тимур Олевский, Павел Лобков   
Понедельник, 30 Декабрь 2013


The sounds of explosions have already been heard in Volgograd this year. In October, a female suicide bomber named Naida Asiyalova blew herself up on a public bus, killing seven. Another bomb went off near a highway patrol station. Those guilty of blowing up the bus have been named, but in order to understand why Volgograd has once again become a target for terrorists, it is worth knowing about the investigation and who these people were.

Until this fall, it had been a long time since Volgograd had reports of incidents related to terrorist attacks. The last time was in 2004, shortly before Beslan, when a female suicide bomber blew up an airplane in route to Volgograd from Moscow.

Just this last October 21st (2013) bus number 29 in Krasnoarmeysky region was driving along at full speed when an explosive device went off. Literally within a few hours, law enforcement agencies mentioned the name of suicide bomber: Naida Asiyalova, a native of Dagestan. The federal broadcast channel first showed her undamaged passport (photo), dressed in a hijab. The next day, however, the document was presented showing a different photo, which was singed by fire. At the time there was information that Asiyalova was literally torn to pieces, and a bit later — that the organizer of the terrorist attack was her husband, Dmitry Sokolov, a young Muscovite who had converted to Islam and gone with Asiyalova in Dagestan, where her relatives lost track of him. This story bears the marks of the Russian security services as we have come to know them over the past ten years.

They found Dmitry Sokolov alive, but they either could not or would not capture and interrogate him. They fired on the house in Derbent where he was living, though as a precaution they let him talk to his mother and allowed out a woman and child. Now just listen to what she has to say:

Do you have any complaints about the law enforcement agencies? Have they ever done you did wrong, or done something wrong?
Those promises they made to get you out, did they keep them all?
Are you hurt? Is your child is hurt?
«I just had a terrible fright, but everything is okay, no injuries.»

In other words, in a region where three million people live no one has any complaints about law enforcement officers who just shot up a house, and the shock experienced by a child is nothing, thank God for being alive. Note, however, that this is not a video hosted on the Internet, but a montage by the NAC (National Anti-Terrorism Committee).

Here it is necessary to recall the story of Naida Asiyalova. Before the terrorist attack, she worked for a prestigious foreign company in Moscow, but then she recruited Sokolov and left for Dagestan. Originally from the village of Gunib in Dagestan, she had cohabited with a young teacher there, but later was essentially raped by his friends. The girl had to leave the village since she was not considered a victim, but a woman of low repute. This is one of those traumas that could easily have led her to a radical Islamic terrorist outfit where they could tell her that she should perish for purification. Such a scenario is quite normal; they use such techniques of persuasion. Her husband was dead, and the organizer of the terrorist attack, who was considered a warlord, was afterwards also killed in Dagestan. So once again we cannot say where she was trained and worked on (psychologically). These are more questions for the state and for those who understand religious figures. They say that in Dagestan there is religious corruption, which is contrary to the fact that the state notices Salafis and registers persons coming from other countries preaching something other than the officially recognized Islam. Ruslan Gereyev, director of the Center of Islamic studies of the North Caucasus, recounted this:

Gereyev: “The Salafi Islam doctrine as a whole is attractive, because the doctrine is based solely on the Qur'an and Sunnah. And this is a primary Islam, that is, it is taken for something that tends to attract a majority of youth. These processes occur one on one, this influence so to speak is not on a group of people, so that it seems all a sham, but it is all purely an intimate thing, if I may call it that. All this is because of the fact that the primordial religion, the Russian Orthodox Church, cannot give a certain number of youth of the Russian nationality that for which it was intended.”

Dmitry Sokolov's story haunts me. I studied his biography and found that it looks like a biography of many young people whom I know personally. He was a good guy from a nice, military family, who dropped out of the Institute because he was a 'C' student and not particularly engaged. According to his friends, he lived with the feeling that the world was just not fair. At some point, we do not know how, he came to the attention of preachers of a rather radical Islam, and from a mosque in Moscow's Otradnoye region he went to Dagestan and is now recognized as the organizer of the terrorist attack in Volgograd. The past ten years have shown that only in rare cases are militants detained and interrogated and talk about what is going on in Moscow, Dagestan, Derbent, and Volgograd.  And so we were unable to learn about the latest events, unless the FSB wishes to tell about it, but the FSB for some reason does not yet wish to tell.

On TV Channel 'Rain'

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