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Moscow Pravda’s editor in chief Shod Mulajanov and his special opinion
Written by Ольга Бычкова   
Среда, 31 Январь 2007

By Olga Bychkova

Эхо МосквыRadio Echo of Moscow

SHOD MULAJANOV: The fact of the matter is that a significant majority in this country doesn’t believe that they can have any effect on the outcome of elections. All the opinion polls show that a significant majority in this country doesn’t believe that they can affect the outcome of elections.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: Well, they’re wrong.

SHOD MULAJANOV: I think they’re wrong, but since they’re convinced of this it’s useless to do anything if they believe that they can’t affect the outcome of elections.

As far as unnatural things, I can’t rule out that one can find forces in the country who may find it to their advantage to prove something to the public, to create a flash of extremism in order to scare the people or convince them that they need to maintain what’s going on or even tighten the screws, so that law and order is even more severe, and everything’s controlled and so forth. Journalists who provoke an incorrect mood from the public, they’ll be squeezed even further. I can’t rule out that some event will even be used to bring this about. I can’t rule it out.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: But what sort of event?

SHOD MULAJANOV: Well, I don’t know, something or another. In any case, for example, I have a painful relationship with all that went on during the hostage situation at ‘Nord-Ost’. Who gave the order to poison more than a hundred peaceful people and so forth? We still don’t know all that went on. We still don’t know why and how it even happened, because everything that was in print and not in print, nothing explains what went on. I can’t rule out that such an occurrence could act on the situation in our country in such a way, in the direction that the future election winners will demand.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: But, anyway, ‘Nord-Ost’ was a long time ago already.

SHOD MULAJANOV: I repeat: did it have an effect on the situation? Did it affect the mood of the public? It certainly did.


SHOD MULAJANOV: How? People began demanding things, this is how: “All sorts of bandits are driving around Moscow with guns and explosives. We’ve got to reinforce security. We’ve got to look at what’s going on. We’ve got to look at everything.”

OLGA BYCHKOVA: Well, yeah.

SHOD MULAJANOV: “We’ve got to tighten the screws.”

OLGA BYCHKOVA: But after Beslan the people demanded that governors no longer be elected.

SHOD MULAJANOV: “We can’t give let out-of-towners rent apartments in Moscow or they’ll hide TNT and Lord knows what else here.”


SHOD MULAJANOV: So there. Perhaps you get it? Public opinion can be manipulated. Everyone knows it. Specialists know how to manipulate public opinion, and if the specialists say that, in order to move certain ideas ahead, there need to be certain flashes (of terrorism and extremism), well, not that such flashes could be organized on purpose, but they could be allowed to occur.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: Here’s Valery Georgievich from Moscow, for example, he also believes that we must ask the president who gave the order to use poison gas on ‘Nord-Ost’. And Dmitry writes…

SHOD MULAJANOV: Ol… you perhaps remember, right? There were two of our colleagues from ‘Moscow Pravda’ there. You had them on the air, and one of them got out.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: And one of ours was there, right. You understand that ‘Nord-Ost’ is a long ways from Beslan, yes? Geographically speaking.

SHOD MULAJANOV: There’s a lot we don’t understand about Beslan.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: Yes, but at ‘Nord-Ost’, since it was in Moscow, there were many people we knew there. You know? Or the friend of a friend.

SHOD MULAJANOV: And that’s the reason we know a lot about what really went on.

OLGA BYCHKOVA: Yes, but that’s simply coincidence.

SHOD MULAJANOV: Fortunately several people survived and could say what really went on inside. We don’t know a lot about what happened outside, or during the assault, but we do know what was going on inside. One wishes for answers to many questions, but there aren’t any. I think that it’s advantageous for someone this way.

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  Comments (2)
1. Written by Федоров, on 02-02-2007 22:05
Я что-то ничего понять не могу, к счастью выжили, а если бы никто не выжил? Лучше было бы?
2. Written by Лана, on 01-03-2007 09:24
Как я понимаю, «к счаcтью выжили», чтоб дать информацию о происходившем внутри. А вот про то, что было снаружи и во время штурма тоже хочется знать, но не знаем. К несчастью, наверное.

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