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Dubrovka versus the Lyubyanka
Written by Грани.ру   
Среда, 11 Июль 2007

In Grani.ru

‘Nord-Ost’ organization demands criminal charges against the hostage rescue headquartersТраур на Дубровке в третью годовщину Норд-Оста. Фото Граней.РуThe Russian public organization ‘Nord-Ost’ has petitioned the Prosecutor General’s office, demanding that a criminal case be initiated against members of the operational headquarters for rescue of the hostages (at Dubrovka). Heads of the organization declared this on Wednesday at a press conference, according to a correspondent from Grani.

They are accusing FSB director Nikolai Patrushev, his deputy, Vladimir Pronichev, and the chief of the special operations center, Alexander Tikhonov, as well as former Security Council secretary Vladimir Rushailo. “We won’t even rule out the president,” declared ‘Nord-Ost’ coordinator Tatiana Karpova.


Dmitry Milovidov, a member of the coordinating council for the organization whose daughter died during the terror act, declared that investigation into ‘Nord-Ost’ has now been halted. “There is no statute of limitations on the guilt of the headquarters,” he remarked. “We’re trying to bring a criminal case against the headquarters staff.”

The former hostages and relatives of those who died during the terror act demand a case be brought in accordance with two articles in the Criminal Codex: “Withholding information about circumstances that pose a danger to the lives or health of people” and “Negligence that leads to the deaths of two or more persons”.

Besides the above, the ‘Nord-Ost’ people demand that the Prosecutor General provide them with a full list of the members of the operational headquarters. They also order that the case not be examined by a select committee, as happened with the Beslan case. The victims of the terror act believe it unacceptable that a criminal case was initiated only concerning the seizure of hostages, and not over people’s deaths.

In January the terror act victims declared that the Prosecutor General was having them sign non-disclosure statements on the investigation. Only Milovidov signed, and today he is the only one allowed to examine materials from the case.

When asked by a Grani.ru correspondent how much this interfered with the activities of their organization, Karpova answered: “We could care less if they have us sign or not. Nothing scares us anymore. You can’t muzzle us.”

A letter to Vladimir PutinCitizen President!

What is a human life in today’s world? A speck of dust… You quickly spotted the death of a demonstrator in Estonia, and noted that it was due to assistance not being rendered in time. Yet, does the “log in one’s eye” not bother you: ‘Nord-Ost’, where, due to assistance not being rendered in time, 130 innocents citizens died?!

On October 23rd, 2002, the Prosecutor General initiated a criminal case concerning the seizure of spectators as hostages at the musical ‘Nord-Ost’, but it has become known to us that a criminal case concerning the DEATHS of CITIZENS of Russia was never opened!!! On May 19th, 2007, case #229133, opened on October 23rd, 2002, concerning the seizure of hostages, was halted “in order to find those persons (accomplices of the terrorists) who are to be summoned as accused”. Moving the case from the Moscow prosecutor’s hands to the Prosecutor General is a well-known means to escape responsibility for not carrying out one’s duty!

In your interview with the whole world, you affirm: “…people suffocated, doctors didn’t know how to treat them.” Is this not information about a crime? Why does the Prosecutor General ignore it? How can one understand the decorated officers from the bureau of forensic medicine at the Ministry of Health when they contend on their part: “…there was no aspiration.” Meanwhile, a sham investigation that ignored testimony by those doctors who honorably performed their duty at ‘Nord-Ost’, came to the conclusion that, in providing immediate and follow-on medical assistance to the poisoned hostages, “information on the nomenclature of the substance used during the assault played no role”?!

In working out the assault operation, the leadership of the hostage rescue headquarters was required to report to you personally that the gaseous substance the headquarters was planning to use has no antidote! An antidote has still NOT BEEN INVENTED! Using the given substance, without any antidote, is a crime! How does this fit in with the Geneva Convention forbidding chemical weapons?!

The entire world has seen frames from the video chronicle of the hostage rescue operation following the assault. Thousands of witnesses saw that, instead of a scheme for evacuating the hostages, worked out in advance, at the scene there was complete chaos!

The responsibility for negligence in preparing the rescue operation (if one was ever even planned) is on the part of the leadership of the operational HEADQUARTERS. We have no questions for the “privates”!

We bow low before all who carried out their professional duties, and those as citizens, at ‘Nord-Ost’! We bow low before the warriors from the special units who carried out the order to destroy the terrorists, while later, violating the Law of Combat, returned to the auditorium to carry our loved ones outside. Many of these men deserve the highest awards. You, however, Citizen Putin, through secret orders awarded the rank ‘Hero of Russia’ to those who left the hostage rescue operation fully “to chance”!

Yesterday we sent the Prosecutor General materials on initiating a criminal case concerning the deaths of people, a case against the leadership and members of the counter-terrorism hostage rescue HEADQUARTERS.

In appealing to you, we demand that you personally take control over the hearings into our petition and its transmission to a just, legal decision. Those guilty of the hostage rescue operation’s failure must receive a harsh punishment for not saving 130 persons.

In eight months, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, you will become a simple citizen of the Russian Federation.

It is a very high rank – CITIZEN of Russia…

During your time as leader of our country the Russian justice system has completely turned its back on the CITIZEN. Twenty thousand citizens of Russia, the victims of terror acts, have no rights. We cannot force the legal machinery to work, but as CITIZENS of Russia we are OBLIGATED… Unite with us, CITIZEN PRESIDENT!

S. N. Karpov and T. I. Karpova, whose son died.
D. E. Milovidov, whose daughter died.


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