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Kiryanova, Natalya
Written by Светлана Губарева   
Четверг, 01 Февраль 2007
Age — 70, from Moscow, Russia.

Natasha’s father was born into a large peasant family, and was the editor of several youth publications in Moscow. He died young, when Natasha was only 16, because of injuries received in the military. Her mother was an amazing woman with luminous eyes who was born during imperial exile, but despite her hardships, throughout her life she retained a sincere optimism and genuine love for others. Natasha inherited these wonderful traits.
During her school years, Natasha was actively engaged in junior school volleyball under the guidance of the most outstanding athletes the time. The small girl’s physical did not meet the minimal requirements for volleyball — she had been affected by the conditions of the wartime evacuations and post-war deprivation. Natasha, however, showed tenacity and persistence in achieving her goals. These qualities, together with her innate intelligence, helped her later in life solve many problems.
Soon she began playing first-string on the ‘Dynamo’ junior team, and participating in Moscow and all-Union championship games. In 1950, Natasha graduated with honors from one of the most prestigious schools in Moscow, where she studied with the children of the country’s leadership. Her familiarity with them allowed Natasha to help bring justice to many of her friends.
Where did she go to continue her studies? As a reliable volleyball hitter and excellent basketball player, she was invited to join the Moscow University sports club, but there was another prestigious institution that caught her eye — the Moscow Aviation Institute. Though she was inclined to science, other things outweighed this, and soon she was playing for the ‘Science’ sports team, which was closely connected with the aviation institute’s sports club. As a gold medallist, after her interview she was accepted to the college of aircraft construction without even having to take an exam. Thus began a new stage of Natasha Shcherbakova’s life.
September 1st, 1950. The manufacturing workshops of the Moscow Aviation Institute, where the future chief designers and leading makers of aircraft during the second half of last century, with hammers and chisels in their hands, are working chunks of metal that are far from resembling aircraft parts. Suddenly I hear the voice of the pretty girl from a nearby bench: “Tie the back of my lab coat for me, please… And now let me tie yours.” So we struck up a friendship, a friendship that passed over into love, and then, three years later, into a family. 2003 would have been our golden wedding anniversary.
During those years, the aviation field was one of the most prestigious. It was highly paid, and many sought entry into it, but only the best prepared and talented were allowed. For this new student, the first years were very hard, because she often had to interrupt her studies due to participation in high-level sports. The friends she very quickly acquired helped Natasha, and they supported her in her ‘struggle’ with the dean’s office. During those years, sport was very popular and the stadiums were always overflowing during matches. Sports leaders were national heroes. During basketball and volleyball games, the faculty and other spectators were literally packed like sardines into the aviation institute gym. You could hear: “Natasha, cut off the motor students!” And Natasha — the hall’s favorite — scored goals from the center of the floor. Intercollegiate sports meetings were like holidays, and whenever Natasha was in the game during a difficult battle, the hall was jubilant.
Trainee Kiryanov looks at his volunteer assistant — his wife — in her red sweater with the reindeer motif. She is a champion of the Soviet Union, and a college favorite. Why did he involve her in this? Natasha does not share his worries: “We are comrades, you never know what we’ll have to deal with, so let’s get to work. Time’s wasting and we still need to catch the last showing of the new movie.” This was a manifestation of her sense of camaraderie, her willingness to put her shoulder to it, and help others. Her selfless response to a call for help was all part of her nature, and Natasha’s nature never changed throughout life.
After several evenings, the work is complete. The site foreman inspects the riveted panels, approves the work, then squirms a bit, flipping some papers over… It turns out that he never bothered to fill out a work order or arrange payment, so he gets out of this difficult situation by pulling a crumpled banknote from his pocket. Oh well, sometimes that is how it goes…
Studies pass as normal, interrupted by special periods: examinations. For Natasha and myself, an exam is not just an analysis of lecture materials, but also an opportunity after testing to go somewhere with a group, to swim or visit a kebab place, or go for a run on skis in a nearby park, and always with much joking and fun.
At the college, Natasha found an announcement about the organization of a bureau to design a glider. Faculty and students were invited to participate, and pay was guaranteed. Kiryanova the co-ed was very interested in this proposal. We both joined other students, and we were soon incorporated into the glider construction bureau. B. N. Sheremetyevo, at the time famous for his gliders, led the team. He was a highly intelligent man, with refined manners. The team was small, and almost all male. Natalya was instructed to develop the control wires for the Sh-2 glider, and this was her first familiarization with the world of aviation and getting acquainted with its creators, spirit, and traditions.
After many years of similar work, the finale of “honored aircraft builder” N. V. Kiryanova’s activities would the design of the flight controls for the Buran spacecraft. G. E. Lozino-Lozinsky, the head of the department of design development and general designer, commissioned her to design Buran’s vertical stabilizer, and supervise the pasting of heat-insulating tiles onto the tailfin, as well as perform an enormous amount of testing of the object in space.
Natalya’s vast experience, her ability to make complex decisions, manage a team, and work closely with subcontractors and industrial organizations, were significant contributions to the creation of the Buran spacecraft.
For more than forty years, Natalya Kiryanova worked within this great collective. She was awarded high honors, including the rare title of honored aircraft builder of the USSR.
Written by her husband, Lev Kiryanov.
Natasha Kiryanova (before marriage Shcherbakova) stood out in our class because of her sporting bearing, independent thinking, and complete lack of that foppery typical of Moscow students, especially residents of the city center. There were not many girls in the college, especially athletes, and under these circumstances a volleyball player from the ‘Dynamo’ sport club could quite well have turned her nose up at our team. This did not happen, however, and for those years Natasha participated on the aviation institute’s team, all the way to her senior year, and she was a key player. I can tell you this, since I was engaged in sports with that department at the time.
This is not the only thing that I wished to remember, however.
She was a very serious person who could focus her will and choose an optimal solution, no matter what branch of industry she belonged to. Here are two episodes, about which she told me herself:
During an out of town trip by train, a heavy part fell on Natasha’s head. The result was a concussion, and a physician’s temporary ban on continuing her education. She continued to successfully engage in studies, however, and overcame the trauma.
Another case was a humorous colleges anecdote: during an exam (I cannot remember what year exactly, but it was during the first or second year), everyone was at his or her desk in front of the department, preparing to answer. At a distance of 4 or 5 meters was a poster on which in fine print there was the answer to a question on the test. You could not get close to it, but Natasha, sitting at her desk, was able to, by focusing, read the text and give the correct answer. For a few days afterward, she had one big headache. The fact that she also chose as her partner for life such a quiet, thoughtful (smart?), and well-balanced man as Lev, says a lot in her favor.
And my final recollection:
In April 2000, we were collecting money for the upcoming class reunion. I was in the lobby of the metro station, and across the lobby I see a joyful Natasha Kiryanova, running over to the group of former aviation students, happy to see those with whom she once studied. It is a very bitter that she is no more.
Let her memory remain with us.
Written by a classmate, Dmitry Lebedinsky,
in Moscow on June 5th, 2007.

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  Comments (4)
1. друзья
Written by однокурсники, on 27-03-2011 15:34
Наташа Кирьянова (до замужества Щербакова) отличалась на нашем курсе спортивной выправкой, самостоятельностью мышления и полным отсутствием пижонства,
Что было свойственно коренным москвичам- студентам, особенно жителям центра города. На факультете было не так уж много девушек, спортсменок тем более, и в этих условиях волейболистке из ЦС Динамо вполне допустимо было бы задрать нос. Но этого не произошло, и Наташа те годы, что занималась в МАИ спортом (до 4 -го курса), была опорой команды. Об этом я могу четко судить, так как имел отношение к спорту на факультете в то время.
Впрочем, я хотел вспомнить и не только об этом.
Это был очень серьезный человек, который мог сконцентрировать свою волю и выбрать оптимальное решение задачи, к какой бы отрасли она не относилась. Вот два эпизода, рассказанные ей самой. Во время загородной поездки в поезде Наташе на голову свалилась тяжелая деталь. Результат — сотрясение мозга, временный запрет врачей на продолжение учебы. Но она продолжала успешно заниматься, преодолев последствие травмы. Другой случай, похожий на студенческую байку: во время экзамена (не помню точно, но это было на 1-ом или 2-ом курсе) все сидят за партами, перед кафедрой, готовятся отвечать. А на расстоянии 4–5 метров висит плакат, на котором мелким шрифтом есть ответ на заданный вопрос по билету. Подойти нельзя, и Наташа, сидя за партой, смогла, сосредоточившись, прочитать текст и грамотно ответить. Правда потом (как говорила) несколько дней болела голова от перенапряжения. И то, что она спокойно, вдумчиво выбрала себе такого же спокойного (умного?), уравновешенного спутника жизни, как Лев, говорит в её пользу. И последее моё воспоминание.
Сбор денег на предстоящую встречу курса в апреле 2000 года. Станция метро, вестибюль. И через весь вестибюль к кучке маевцев бежит радостная Наташа Кирьянова, радостная от того, что увидит тех, с кем когда-то училась. И горько от того, что её уже нет.

Пусть же память о ней остается с нами.

Дмитрий Лебединский, сокурсник, Москва, 5.06.2007 год
2. друзья
Written by родственники, однокурсники, on 02-07-2007 08:42
А вот воспоминания о Наташе тех лет её жизни другого сокурсника по МАИ:

Листаю свою память снова
И вспоминаю по порядку:
Вот и Наташа Щербакова
И волейбольная площадка.

Был класс игры её высок,
Хотя не отличалась ростом,
Искусно выставляла блок
И мяч брала в падении просто.

Ну что ж. Оставим в стороне
Её спортивные задатки.
Поговорим теперь о ней,
Когда она не на площадке.

Веселый блеск в её глазах,
Больших, немножечко с хитринкой,
Активность зрелая в делах,
Все, что решила — без волынки.

Хоть всё давалась ей легко,
Но провалить экзамен жалко,
И на коленке под чулком
Написана ее шпаргалка.

Так говорит о ней молва,
Фольклор, побасенки, предания.
Шпаргалки те не от незнанья,
А просто так, из озорства.

Да, озорство у ней в крови
(не барышней была кисейной)
И загорать могла в МАИ,
В пожарном блюдечке бассейна.

Воды так много утекло,
Но ничего не забываем.
Хоть это все давно прошло,
Она пред нами, как живая.

Виктор Чукаев, сокурсник, Москва, июнь 2007 года.
3. наталья
Written by максим, on 18-01-2010 20:08
Как жаль что такие добрые,со светлой душой,и дружелюбные люди как ты Наташа,уходят от нас.Царство тебе Небесное.
4. наташа
Written by максим, on 26-03-2010 00:35
Светлая память о тебе Наташа!Мы все тебя любим и помним!

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